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How to join multiple documents in a Cloud Firestore query?


I have a Cloud Firestore DB with the following structure:

  • users
    • [uid]
      • name: "Test User"
  • posts
    • [id]
      • content: "Just some test post."
      • timestamp: (Dec. 22, 2017)
      • uid: [uid]

There is more data present in the actual DB, the above just illustrates the collection/document/field structure.

I have a view in my web app where I'm displaying posts and would like to display the name of the user who posted. I'm using the below query to fetch the posts:

let loadedPosts = {};
posts = db.collection('posts')
          .orderBy('timestamp', 'desc')
.then((docSnaps) => {
  const postDocs = docSnaps.docs;
  for (let i in postDocs) {
    loadedPosts[postDocs[i].id] = postDocs[i].data();

// Render loadedPosts later

What I want to do is query the user object by the uid stored in the post's uid field, and add the user's name field into the corresponding loadedPosts object. If I was only loading one post at a time this would be no problem, just wait for the query to come back with an object and in the .then() function make another query to the user document, and so on.

However because I'm getting multiple post documents at once, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to map the correct user to the correct post after calling .get() on each post's user/[uid] document due to the asynchronous way they return.

Can anyone think of an elegant solution to this issue?

like image 671
saricden Avatar asked Dec 22 '17 21:12


People also ask

Can firestore update multiple documents matching a condition using one query?

Cloud Firestore does not support the equivalent of SQL's update queries.

How do I aggregate data in firestore?

If you want to gain insight into properties of the collection as a whole, you will need aggregation over a collection. Cloud Firestore does not support native aggregation queries. However, you can use client-side transactions or Cloud Functions to easily maintain aggregate information about your data.

2 Answers

It seems fairly simple to me:

let loadedPosts = {};
posts = db.collection('posts')
          .orderBy('timestamp', 'desc')
.then((docSnaps) => {
  docSnaps.forEach((doc) => {
    loadedPosts[doc.id] = doc.data();
    db.collection('users').child(doc.data().uid).get().then((userDoc) => {
      loadedPosts[doc.id].userName = userDoc.data().name;

If you want to prevent loading a user multiple times, you can cache the user data client side. In that case I'd recommend factoring the user-loading code into a helper function. But it'll be a variation of the above.

like image 141
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Frank van Puffelen

I would do 1 user doc call and the needed posts call.

let users = {} ;
let loadedPosts = {};
db.collection('users').get().then((results) => {
  results.forEach((doc) => {
    users[doc.id] = doc.data();
  posts = db.collection('posts').orderBy('timestamp', 'desc').limit(3);
  posts.get().then((docSnaps) => {
    docSnaps.forEach((doc) => {
    loadedPosts[doc.id] = doc.data();
    loadedPosts[doc.id].userName = users[doc.data().uid].name;
like image 33
parmigiana Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
