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How to iterate through columns [rows] of a multi dimensional array



I am using a multi-dimensional array to store the total amount of product sold (products range 1 to 5) by a particular salesperson (1 to 4 salespersons).

T arranged the salesPersons in rows 1 to 4, and Product IDs in columns 1 to 5.

Only thing I can not do is iterate exclusively through the rows to get the total of each product ie column 1: sum of rows 1 to 4= Total product 1, column 2: sum of rows 1 to 4= product2 Total etc.

See test salesTest application code followed by the class Sales:

test application for sales class
package salestest;

import SalesLibary.Sales;

public class SalesTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // pass monthly stats to 4r(salespesons) * c5(products 1 to 5) using initialization method
        int monthlySales [][]=  {{13, 23, 45, 67, 56},
                                {43, 65, 76, 89, 90},
                                {43, 45, 76, 98, 90},
                                {34, 56, 76, 43, 87}};
        //pass default values to constructor when creating object of class
        Sales companySales = new Sales("Monneys Inc.", monthlySales);
        }//end main
    }//end SalesTest class

    //class Sales with associated methods 
 Chapter 7: Practical Question 2
package SalesLibary;

public class Sales {

//declare fields/members
private int salesTotals[][];
private String companyName;

//passs string and two dimensional array of sales stats to constructor from application object
public Sales(String name, int monthlySales[][]) {
    companyName = name;
    salesTotals = monthlySales;

}//end constructor

public void setCompanyName(String name) {
    companyName = name;


public String getCompanyName() {
    return companyName;

public void displaySales() {
    //table heading
    System.out.printf("The monthly sales stats for company %s are: ", companyName);
    System.out.println("                                                         ");//set columns headings
    //create column headings representing products sold 1 to 5 by looping thru each colmn of row(salsperson)
    System.out.print("            ");
    for (int product = 0; product < salesTotals[0].length; product++) {
        System.out.printf("Product %d  ", product + 1);
    System.out.println("Total ");

    //create rows of table represnting salespersons 1 too 4, ten loop through array and print element
    for (int salesPerson = 0; salesPerson < salesTotals.length; salesPerson++) {
        System.out.printf("SalesPerson %2d", salesPerson + 1);

        //use nested for loop to output all results
        for (int total : salesTotals[salesPerson]) {
            System.out.printf("%10d", total);
        //call method to get total for each sales person by passing
        //a row of products sold for each sales person to method
        double total = getTotal(salesTotals[salesPerson]);
        System.out.printf("%10.2f\n", total);

    }//end outer for
    System.out.println("Product Total: ");
    double productSum = getTotalProduct();
    System.out.printf("%10.2f", productSum);
    //enumerate through each column and get sum to represent product total

}//end method Display sales

//method to calculate total, argument is array of results
public double getTotal(int salesTotals[]) {
    int total = 0;
    //loop thru array passed
    for (int count : salesTotals) {
        total += count;

    return total;
}// end get salesPerson tital

//display message
public void displayMessage() {
    System.out.printf("\nWlecome to %s monthly sales summaries!!!\n\n", getCompanyName());
}//end display message

//get total product sold
public double getTotalProduct() {
    int productTotal[];
    int totalProduct = 0;
    //loop through array passed
    for (int salesPerson = 0; salesPerson < salesTotals.length; salesPerson++) {
        //go through each column of row[row]
        productTotal = salesTotals[salesPerson];
        //loop thirugh product total and get sum
        for (int count : productTotal) {
            totalProduct += count;

    }//end outer for loop   
    return totalProduct;
}// end get salesPerson total
}//end Sales class
like image 932
dancingbush Avatar asked Mar 18 '13 20:03


People also ask

How do you iterate through a multidimensional array?

In order to loop over a 2D array, we first go through each row, and then again we go through each column in every row. That's why we need two loops, nested in each other. Anytime, if you want to come out of the nested loop, you can use the break statement.

How do you iterate through a 2D array in Python?

Traversing in a 2D array in python can be done by using a for loop. We can iterate through the outer array first and then at each element of the outer array, we have another array which is our inner array containing the elements. So for each inner array, we run a loop to traverse its elements.

What type of loop is the most appropriate for iterating a 2D array?

Now let's jump into nested for loops as a method for iterating through 2D arrays. A nested for loop is one for loop inside another. Take a look below to see what this means. The first for loop loops through each row of the 2D array one by one.

1 Answers

To iterate over a single row k in a two-dimensional array:

for (int j = 0; j < multiarray[k].length; j++)
    multiarray[k][j]; // do something

And to iterate over a single column k in a two-dimensional array:

for (int i = 0; i < multiarray.length; i++)
    multiarray[i][k]; // do something
like image 195
Óscar López Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 22:11

Óscar López