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How to isolate specific platforms using CSS selectors in the Ionic framework

I came across a rare situation (though it's understandable given different behaviours between even Android and iOS) where I wanted to use a different style specifically for iOS in a Cordova app I am developing on the Ionic-framework.

I wondered the best way to isolate my selectors based on platform? Basically I wondered how I could insert a class into the body tag of every page in my app identifying the platform.

My initial options were I could use the CordovaDeviceModule and return the platform via a custom directive or ng-class. But is this a bit heavy handed, does ionic provide a cleaner way to identify the platform?

I am running Ionic, v1.0.0-beta.13

like image 933
JDawgg Avatar asked Dec 11 '14 21:12


1 Answers

So it turns out ionic have platform classes baked into the body class already, nice and easy.

All I had to do was select on

.platform-ios {


here is an article with more


I still haven't been able to find a clear list of the available body platform selectors documented, but here is what I have found so far.


I think platform-c refers to device grade as discussed here: http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/utility/ionic.Platform/

like image 159
JDawgg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
