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How to invoke the same maven build twice in one call



Is it possible to invoke the same maven build a number of times with different configuration parameters?

I have a maven build that creates a number RPMs with the rpm-maven-plugin. I pass it a variable (environment) which specifies which environment the RPM is targeted for: development, staging or production.

To create all RPMs for all environments, I call mvn package -Denvironment=... 3 times; and I'd like to simplify that. It would be great if I could call mvn package once, and it, in turn, would build three RPMs for all environments.

Do you see any way of doing this?

Edit 1

So far (based on dm3's great answer), I can create three independent RPMs in one build, with the same properties. The problem now is to be able to change the environment property for each execution. Any suggestions?

    <!-- Default Environment -->





          ... VERY LONG CONFIG ...
like image 981
Yuriy Nemtsov Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 07:08

Yuriy Nemtsov

1 Answers

I believe the only way to achieve that during one maven execution is to bind several executions of the plugin (with different configurations) to a lifecycle phase, like this:


You can attach this configuration to some profile triggered by one property (e.g. by mvn package -Denvironment=all).

like image 147
dm3 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 05:11
