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How to "invoke" a class instance in PHP?

is there any possibility to "invoke" a class instance by a string representation?

In this case i would expect code to look like this:

class MyClass {
  public $attribute;

$obj = getInstanceOf( "MyClass"); //$obj is now an instance of MyClass
$obj->attribute = "Hello World";

I think this must be possible, as PHP's SoapClient accepts a list of classMappings which is used to map a WSDL element to a PHP Class. But how is the SoapClient "invoking" the class instances?

like image 791
NovumCoder Avatar asked Oct 09 '09 09:10


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To invoke a method on an object, you simply call the object name followed by "->" and then call the method. Since it's a statement, you close it with a semicolon. When you are dealing with objects in PHP, the "->" is almost always used to access that object, whether it's a property or to call a method.

2 Answers

$class = 'MyClass';
$instance = new $class;

However, if your class' constructor accepts a variable number of arguments, and you hold those arguments in an array (sort of call_user_func_array), you have to use reflection:

$class = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
$args  = array('foo', 'bar');
$instance = $class->newInstanceArgs($args);

There is also ReflectionClass::newInstance, but it does the same thing as the first option above.


  • Object instantiation
  • ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs()
  • ReflectionClass::newInstance()
like image 156
Ionuț G. Stan Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10

Ionuț G. Stan

The other answers will work in PHP <= 5.5, but this task gets a lot easier in PHP 5.6 where you don't even have to use reflection. Just do:


class MyClass
    public function __construct($var1, $var2)

$class = "MyClass";
$args = ['someValue', 'someOtherValue'];

// Here's the magic
$instance = new $class(...$args);
like image 38
Lars Nyström Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 06:10

Lars Nyström