I'm building a GUI with the SimpleSwingApplication
trait in scala swing.
What I want to do is to provide a mechanism on close, that asks the user (Yes,No,Cancel) if he didn't save the document yet. If the user hits Cancel the Application
shouldn't close. But everything I tried so far with MainFrame.close
and closeOperation
didn't work.
So how is this done in Scala Swing?
I'm on Scala 2.9.
Thanks in advance.
Slightly different variation from what Howard suggested
import scala.swing._
object GUI extends SimpleGUIApplication {
def top = new Frame {
import javax.swing.WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE
override def closeOperation() { showCloseDialog() }
private def showCloseDialog() {
Dialog.showConfirmation(parent = null,
title = "Exit",
message = "Are you sure you want to quit?"
) match {
case Dialog.Result.Ok => exit(0)
case _ => ()
you are given a chance to define what should be done when a WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING
event is received by the scala frame. When a scala frame receives a WINDOW_CLOSING
event it reacts by calling closeOperation
. Hence, to display a dialog when the user attempts to close the frame it is enough to override closeOperation
and implement the desired behavior.
What about this:
import swing._
import Dialog._
object Test extends SimpleSwingApplication {
def top = new MainFrame {
contents = new Button("Hi")
override def closeOperation {
visible = true
if(showConfirmation(message = "exit?") == Result.Ok) super.closeOperation
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