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How to interrupt a thread performing a blocking socket connect?

I have some code that spawns a pthread that attempts to maintain a socket connection to a remote host. If the connection is ever lost, it attempts to reconnect using a blocking connect() call on its socket. Since the code runs in a separate thread, I don't really care about the fact that it uses the synchronous socket API.

That is, until it comes time for my application to exit. I would like to perform some semblance of an orderly shutdown, so I use thread synchronization primitives to wake up the thread and signal for it to exit, then perform a pthread_join() on the thread to wait for it to complete. This works great, unless the thread is in the middle of a connect() call when I command the shutdown. In that case, I have to wait for the connect to time out, which could be a long time. This makes the application appear to take a long time to shut down.

What I would like to do is to interrupt the call to connect() in some way. After the call returns, the thread will notice my exit signal and shut down cleanly. Since connect() is a system call, I thought that I might be able to intentionally interrupt it using a signal (thus making the call return EINTR), but I'm not sure if this is a robust method in a POSIX threads environment.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to do this, either using signals or via some other method? As a note, the connect() call is down in some library code that I cannot modify, so changing to a non-blocking socket is not an option.

like image 956
Jason R Avatar asked Jun 09 '12 15:06

Jason R

1 Answers

Try to close() the socket to interrupt the connect(). I'm not sure, but I think it will work at least on Linux. Of course, be careful to synchronize properly such that you only ever close() this socket once, or a second close() could theoretically close an unrelated file descriptor that was just opened.

EDIT: shutdown() might be more appropriate because it does not actually close the socket.

Alternatively, you might want to take a look at pthread_cancel() and pthread_kill(). However, I don't see a way to use these two without a race condition.

I advise that you abandon the multithreaded-server approach and instead go event-driven, for example by using epoll for event notification. This way you can avoid all these very basic problems that become very hard with threads, like proper shutdown. You are free to at any time do anything you want, e.g. safely close sockets and never hear from them again.

On the other hand, if in your worker thread you do a non-blocking connect() and get notified via epoll_pwait() (or ppoll() or pselect(); note the p), you may be able to avoid race conditions associated with signals.

like image 146
Ambroz Bizjak Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Ambroz Bizjak