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How to internationalize html pages

Is there a way to internationalization html pages based on user locale? I had a website developed using html pages but now I am asked to internationalize that website in 4 different languages.

I know how to do it using Spring Framework via resource bundles but I wanted to know if there is a way to do something similar using HTML pages so that you just have to write the code considering internationalization and just keep adding the resource bundles to be picked based on user locale when a user accesses the website?

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skip Avatar asked Feb 20 '23 11:02


1 Answers

I've just developed a solution a little bit lighter, using CSS content property : https://github.com/k-yak/stati18n Take a look, all informations are available in the readme file.

like image 76
Florian Rotagnon Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 00:02

Florian Rotagnon