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How to integreate Java FX and Spring MVC

I want to use JavaFx as a front-end in my web-application. My question is that is it possible to bind Model object with the form which is developed with Java Fx.
I kindly request you to put some light on this issue.
Please let me know If you need more clarification regarding this

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Swapnil_Narvekar Avatar asked May 26 '12 19:05


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Can you use spring with JavaFX?

Our start method, which is a standard JavaFX method, is called with a Stage object when the stage is ready to be used. We can use the Spring pattern of publishing events via the application context to signal when this Stage is ready. Inside start(), call applicationContext.

What is MVC in JavaFX?

JavaFX enables you to design with Model-View-Controller (MVC), through the use of FXML and Java. The "Model" consists of application-specific domain objects, the "View" consists of FXML, and the "Controller" is Java code that defines the GUI's behavior for interacting with the user.

Can you use JavaFX for web development?

The recommended way to embed a JavaFX application into a web page or launch it from inside a web browser is to use the Deployment Toolkit library. The Deployment Toolkit provides a JavaScript API to simplify web deployment of JavaFX applications and improve the end user experience with getting the application to start.

2 Answers

The main differences between Web front-ends (like Spring MVC) and rich clients (and RIAs like JavaFX) is that for web front-ends the server-side logic runs in the same JVM as the web framework while for rich clients the server-side logic and the client are running on 2 separate JVMs, one on the server machine and one on the client machine.

Rich clients are usually downloaded/ installed completely before the user can run it, while for web front-ends each HTML page is possibly first dynamically created and then send to the user as needed.

Since the user usually already has the complete rich client from start, only the actual data (DTOs) get sent back and forth using some kind of remote service e.g Web Services.

So this means that the JavaFX client cannot access the objects of the server (e.g. attached JPA entities). You need to wrap the data up and send it to the JavaFX client using some kind of service (see the Service Facade and DTO design patterns).

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Puce Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


The main difference between JAVAFX and any Java EE framework is same as the difference between the swing applications and Java EE apps.

You can design applications using JAVAFX to be directly used on desktop or deployed as browser applets with the help of the Java browser plugin. But, using it as a framework for designing the front end of a Java EE application is not possible.

Read this post :


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ItachiUchiha Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
