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How to integrate Swagger in Lumen/Laravel for REST API?

I have built some REST API in Lumen micro framework and it's working fine. Now I want to integrate Swagger into it so the API will be well documented on future use. Has anyone done this?

like image 651
Anand Pandey Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 10:07

Anand Pandey

People also ask

How does swagger integrate with API?

Just use the endpoint https://api.swaggerhub.com/apis/{owner}/{api}/{version} to retrieve the Swagger definition in either JSON or YAML format (the default is JSON - set the Accept Header to "application/yaml" for the YAML version). If you want to target a specific format directly you can append either swagger.

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Swagger allows real-time authorization and endpoint testing for testers and developers without any extra efforts. Swagger is launched and maintained by SmartBear. This tutorial will guide you on how you can integrate swagger with Laravel project in a few steps. So let's start integrating swagger in our application-

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To build a REST API with Lumen, signup to launch a server on Cloudways Laravel hosting. On the Cloudways platform, you get Laravel in a 1-click install with an optimized stack and pre-installed Composer.

1 Answers

Steps to follow for Laravel Lumen 5.7 with swagger using OpenApi 3.0 specs (this governs the way you write annotations so that swagger documentation is generated)

The steps were written a while ago but they still work with Laravel Lumen 6.X, 7.X and 8.X

I reached this adjusting on @black-mamba answer in order to make it work.

1. Install swagger-lume dependency (which also installs swagger)

composer require "darkaonline/swagger-lume:5.6.*"

2. Edit bootstrap/app.php file

make sure $app->withFacades(); is NOT commented (around line 26)

in Create The Application section add the following before Register Container Bindings section


in Register Service Providers section add


3. Publish configuration file for swagger-lume

php artisan swagger-lume:publish

4. Add annotations to your code

For example in your app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php you could have the general part of the documentation


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller as BaseController;

class Controller extends BaseController
     * @OA\Info(
     *   title="Example API",
     *   version="1.0",
     *   @OA\Contact(
     *     email="[email protected]",
     *     name="Support Team"
     *   )
     * )

And inside each of your controllers you should have the appropriate annotations above each public method


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class ExampleController extends Controller
     * @OA\Get(
     *     path="/sample/{category}/things",
     *     operationId="/sample/category/things",
     *     tags={"yourtag"},
     *     @OA\Parameter(
     *         name="category",
     *         in="path",
     *         description="The category parameter in path",
     *         required=true,
     *         @OA\Schema(type="string")
     *     ),
     *     @OA\Parameter(
     *         name="criteria",
     *         in="query",
     *         description="Some optional other parameter",
     *         required=false,
     *         @OA\Schema(type="string")
     *     ),
     *     @OA\Response(
     *         response="200",
     *         description="Returns some sample category things",
     *         @OA\JsonContent()
     *     ),
     *     @OA\Response(
     *         response="400",
     *         description="Error: Bad request. When required parameters were not supplied.",
     *     ),
     * )
    public function getThings(Request $request, $category)
        $criteria= $request->input("criteria");
        if (! isset($category)) {
            return response()->json(null, Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
        // ...
        return response()->json(["thing1", "thing2"], Response::HTTP_OK);

5. Generate swagger documentation

php artisan swagger-lume:generate

Run this each time you update the documentation


  • https://zircote.github.io/swagger-php/
  • https://github.com/DarkaOnLine/SwaggerLume
  • https://swagger.io/specification/
like image 161
Bogdan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
