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How to integrate google drive in Flutter app? [closed]

I am developing a Flutter app, in which I want to integrate my google drive so that I can access contents of my drive through application.

I am a beginner in Flutter and have no prior app development knowledge. Please help me with some code which I can use to perform above mentioned operation.

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RahulKharya Avatar asked Oct 13 '18 13:10


People also ask

How do I integrate with Google Drive?

From Android Studio, select Start a new Android Studio project from the startup screen or New Project from the File menu. Enter the name GoogleDriveDemo, your company domain (or example.com if your wish) and a project location. Make sure that Kotlin support is selected and then press Next.

Can you run apps off Google Drive?

Use and manage appsOn your computer, go to drive.google.com. On the left, click New. Choose an app. After you save your file, you can find it in "My Drive."

1 Answers

The googleapis package https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/googleapis provides support for the Drive API.

See How to use Google API in flutter? for how to use it with Flutter GoogleSignIn.

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Günter Zöchbauer