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How to install Yarn v1 and Yarn v2 on the same machine so they can be used interchangelby between projects?



I'm running a couple of projects that make use of Yarn v1 that will not be upgraded to Yarn v2 anytime soon for many reasons (CI being one of them). However, I would like to use Yarn v2 for new projects.

Is there a sane way to have both Yarn v1 and Yarn v2 installed on one machine so they can be used interchangebly between projects?

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designorant Avatar asked Jan 27 '20 15:01


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Backwards Compatibility with node_modules However, Yarn 2 now offers an option that copies packages to the node_modules/ folder just like Yarn 1, providing backward compatibility for these projects. It literally requires adding a single line to your new .

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Yarn can consume the same package. json format as npm, and can install any package from the npm registry. This will lay out your node_modules folder using Yarn's resolution algorithm that is compatible with the node.

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Installing all dependencies: yarn or yarn install. Installing one and only one version of a package: yarn install --flat. Forcing a re-download of all packages: yarn install --force. Installing only production dependencies: yarn install --production.

1 Answers

We recommend using Yarn 1 as global so as to avoid possible backward compatibility issues (for example later versions renamed some options and settings). You then have two options:

  • You can use yarn policies set-version berry on a per-project basis; it will install the very latest Yarn releases in the .yarn/releases folder, which you can then add to your repository. Docs for yarn policies.

  • Or you can add a "packageManager": "yarn@3.2.0" field to your package.json file and run corepack enable. This will use the Corepack tool to setup your system in such a way that any yarn commands will use the exact version you configured for the active project.

This keeps the risks to a minimum and allows you to migrate when you feel ready.

like image 98
Maël Nison Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Maël Nison