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How to install Web Platform Tools in Eclipse?

Which URL do I install this and any pre-reqs from, and how can I install them? Been struggling with this for the last 1 hour with no luck.

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Ali Avatar asked Apr 01 '09 14:04


People also ask

How do I install Web Tools in Eclipse?

Install WTP using the Eclipse Ganymede Update Manager(p2)Launch Eclipse from <ECLIPSE_HOME>/eclipse . Select Help -> Software Updates.. from the menu. On the next screen select Available Software tab, and expand Ganymede. Expand Web and Java EE Development, select Java EE Developer Tools and Web Developer Tools.

How do I launch Eclipse WTP workbench?

Launch the Eclipse WTP workbench. From the main menu bar, select Run -> Launch the Web Services Explorer. This will take a few moments the first time while Eclipse's internal Tomcat server starts up and loads the Web Services Explorer application.

What is Eclipse WTP workbench?

The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing Web and Java EE applications.

1 Answers

new 2013 answer: it seems to depend on what version of eclipse you're running.

  1. click "help" -> "about eclipse sdk" to find the version (e.g. 4.2.2).
  2. optionally, from the version number you can know the codename (e.g. Juno) from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_%28software%29#Releases
  3. go here: http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F
  4. right click on the correct WTP link copy the link address (e.g. WTP 3.4) (they should be listed by version and codename)
  5. now in eclipse, click "help" -> "install new software..." and paste the link location in the "work with" field (e.g. "http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/juno/").
  6. choose "Web Tools Platform (WTP #.#.#)" and click next and install everything.
  7. restart eclipse, close all open files and re-open them for web tools to start working.
like image 89
Alexander Taylor Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10

Alexander Taylor