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How to install Rodeo IDE in Anaconda python distribution?

I have a 64bit anaconda python distribution version 2.3 with python 3.4.3 installed on windows 7 machine. I searched about installing rodeo on top of this but seems like "conda install rodeo" wont work, so i did "pip install rodeo".

"pip install rodeo" gave me the following message "Successfully installed rodeo".

But when i type rodeo in cmd to start rodeo it is giving an error saying

"failed to create process." 

& i am not able to start rodeo.

Please advise.


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GeorgeOfTheRF Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 07:08


3 Answers

Yhat has released a native desktop version of Rodeo recently. It will be better than the web version. This can be easily installed by downloading the installable from their website mentioned below.


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GeorgeOfTheRF Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11


Updated Answer (as of 2016-6-8)

Rodeo has been undergoing a significant re-write since the latest major release, v1.3 which is the currently downloadable version on yhat's website.

I recommend checking out the latest release, v2.0, downloadable from the Rodeo project page on github.

Here's how I set up Anaconda and Rodeo

  1. Install the latest version of Anaconda
  2. Create a fresh virtual environment which includes jupyter. conda create --name datasci jupyter

  3. Install the latest version of Rodeo

  4. Open Rodeo and set the Python Path to your fresh anaconda virtual environment. (In my case //anaconda/envs/datasci/bin/python)

enter image description here

If you're not sure what path to set,

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Activate your virtual environment source activate datasci
  3. Run which python

More details in the Rodeo docs. And keep checking github for version updates as they're coming almost daily at this point.

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Ben Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11


I think the problem is that you need to make sure you are using pip as seen by Anaconda. To get around this I have an alias set up in my .bash_aliases file (not sure what the equivalent is in windows) to call anaconda's version of pip:

alias pip-ana='/home/usr/anaconda/bin/pip'

That means that I use the command pip-ana to install things to Anaconda's python environment rather than simply pip as that defaults to an alternative python environment. So to solve your problem, make sure you are using the correct pip by calling the executable file from anaconda/bin.

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LRP Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 15:11