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How to install recent mono and monodevelop?


I tried to install mono and monodevelop on centOS 6.3. After many hours I was able to install mono but failed with monodevelop.

I'm really astonished how difficult and time consuming it is, to get a recent mono/monodevelop version on linux installed. Is there nobody willing to write and maintain an install/compile tutorial to get the most recent mono/monodevelop/monodata/ASP.NET MVC/... version on the major linux distributions (Centos, Ubuntu, Suse, Debian) installed?

I think many people developing on Windows (with limited linux knowledge) would like to start using mono, if the boarding hurdle would be somehow lower.

It may be the most important to make Mono more used and more visible. Please, write a tested tutorial (script) for compiling mono/monodevelop.

Thank you!

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utopia Avatar asked Mar 02 '13 22:03


People also ask

How do I set up MonoDevelop?

Setting Up MonoDevelop You should check that MonoDevelop is set as the external script editor in the Preferences (menu: Unity > Preferences and then select the External Tools panel). With this option enabled, Unity will launch MonoDevelop and use it as the default editor for all script files.

2 Answers

I have created a project on Open Build Service, which produces builds of the latest MonoDevelop 4.0.10 for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Fedora.

see https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:tpokorra:mono

For installation instructions with apt-get or yum, see: http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=home:tpokorra:mono&package=monodevelop-opt

I hope this will increase the usage of MonoDevelop on Linux Desktop environments.

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Timotheus Pokorra Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 00:11

Timotheus Pokorra

Monodevelop 4. If you use any *buntu. Check this.

"You can open up the terminal and install it via the following:

1.    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keks9n/monodevelop-latest  2.    sudo apt-get update  3.    sudo apt-get install monodevelop-latest"    


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Peter G Holm Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 00:11

Peter G Holm