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How to install pytorch on Power 8 or PPC64 machine?

I am trying to install pytorch using conda on power 8 IBM machine. Although, I read articles from IBM blog, I couldn't install with success because I got stuck with compiling magma.

like image 832
oya163 Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 06:03


2 Answers

Assuming that conda is already installed. Simply run the following command

conda install -c engility pytorch
conda install -c engility torchvision

1. Goto this anaconda page
2. Search for pytorch
3. Scroll down to see which one has linux-ppc64le as platform
4. Click into that specific package
5. You will get the command to install pytorch

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oya163 Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 19:03


I finally installed PyTorch 1.5.0 on ppc64le server using conda environment.

  1. Install anaconda (in my case I just installed miniconda3):
  2. Add a new config channel:
conda config --prepend channels https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/server/ibm-ai/conda-early-access/linux-ppc64le/
  1. Create a new conda environment and activate it:
conda create --name early_access python=3.6
conda activate early_access
  1. Install pytorch:
conda install pytorch

That's it! Credits to this blog: https://gauravm.gitbook.io/about/blogs/installing-pytorch-and-transformers-on-ibm-powerpc-architecture

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Nicolae Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 20:03
