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How to install PIL on Spyder(Anaconda 3)?

This is the problem when I go on to install using conda install PIL It gives me this:

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
  - pil -> python 2.6*
  - python 3.6*
like image 622
Ankan Das Avatar asked Oct 12 '17 19:10

Ankan Das

People also ask

How do I run a PIL in Python?

To load the image, we simply import the image module from the pillow and call the Image. open(), passing the image filename. Instead of calling the Pillow module, we will call the PIL module as to make it backward compatible with an older module called Python Imaging Library (PIL).

2 Answers

PIL seems not maintained any more. Just install pillow:

conda install pillow

and use just as if you had PIL installed :

from PIL import Image
like image 52
Mike Müller Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Mike Müller

I'm able to fix issue by installing pillow version 5,please try once.

conda install --channel conda-forge pillow=5
like image 24
Vikash kumar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Vikash kumar