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How to install older Android SDK in Eclipse

I'm working at the moment at a simple app in eclipse for android. Just receiving and sending data, and using the camera API.

I've set the minSDKversion to 8, because I think that has the widest user base. But at the beginning of the project eclipse was asking me which target SDK version I would use, and because I had just one installed (the latest 4.0.3) I've took this.

Now I'm asking me if it wouldn't be wiser to install a lower SDK, like Android 2.2, because it would be not that big (compared to the 4.0.3) and my app would not have included all the fancy new features, which are not used in any way?! Or is this complete nonsense I'm talking here, and just should take my 4.0.3 SDK? When not, how can I install a lower version? Help -> SDK Manager is not showing old SDKs...

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John Brunner Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 22:12

John Brunner

2 Answers

Here is a very helpful link that will probably answer your question: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/adding-packages.html

Basically, open up the Android SDK manager and it should give you a list of packages that you can install! From there you can choose old SDKs!

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javajavajava Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 16:01


hey i faced the same issue as yours usually while updating due to this error , it is unable to fetch the older SDKs Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list.xml, reason: File not found

This is how you can fix it : 1) Go to Window > AndroidSDK Manager 2) select tools> options 3) set the proxy (if u r sitting behind proxy) 4) in checkboxes check Obsolete option (in Android SDK Manager) 5) go to Packages > reload (in Android SDK Manager)

This worked for me In case you are using windows7 . Go to Android SDK Manager location > right click > Run as Administrator

Best Regards, Ashwani kumar

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ashwaniKumar Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 14:01
