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How to install lessc and nodejs in a Python virtualenv?

I would like to install a nodejs script (lessc) into a virtualenv.

How can I do that ?



like image 410
Natim Avatar asked Jan 24 '12 12:01


People also ask

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Installing Node Version Manager Node Version Manager alias NVM is Node Module which helps to maintain multiple node versions in a same machine to manage various versions. `nvm` and `n` Node Module does not support windows. use below module.

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2 Answers

I like shorrty's answer, he recommended using nodeenv, see: is there an virtual environment for node.js?

I followed this guide: http://calvinx.com/2013/07/11/python-virtualenv-with-node-environment-via-nodeenv/

All I had to do myself was:

. ../bin/activate # switch to my Python virtualenv first
pip install nodeenv # then install nodeenv (nodeenv==0.7.1 was installed)
nodeenv --python-virtualenv # Use current python virtualenv
npm install -g less # install lessc in the virtualenv
like image 196
Andre Miras Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Andre Miras

Here is what I used so far, but it may be optimized I think.

Install nodejs

wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.6.8/node-v0.6.8.tar.gz
tar zxf node-v0.6.8.tar.gz
cd node-v0.6.8/
./configure --prefix=/absolute/path/to/the/virtualenv/
make install

Install npm (Node Package Manager)

curl https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Install lesscss

npm install less -g

When you activate your virtualenv you can use lessc

like image 36
Natim Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10
