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how to install keras in python 3.6?

I'm having trouble installing the Keras library for Python 3.6. Whenever I try to install Keras, it is throwing an error and when I searched on the internet, Keras had been released for up to Python 3.5. Does anyone have a solution for this?

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KRISHNA TEJA Avatar asked Jun 01 '17 14:06


1 Answers

Follow this method if you have Anaconda and Python version 3.6.

First, create a new conda environment,

conda create -n keras python=3.5

Now activate it,

source activate keras

and install Keras,

conda install keras

Test if it works,

    $ python 
>>>import keras

You will get the following message if it was successful:

Using TensorFlow backend.

Click here to see Mike Müller's answer

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Jose Kj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Jose Kj