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How to install Heroku CLI on WSL 2?

I have already an account on Heroku and a Heroku CLI running on my Windows terminal. As I have also installed a Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL2), Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, I'm trying to install Heroku CLI also on WSL2, to be accessed for this Shell.

However, it is not possible following closely the Get Started heroku with ruby nor for Windows neither for Ubuntu.

The first barrier is where the OpenSSL key need to be saved. According to the tutorial, it is said to extract the Izma with 7Zip,

...and then extract the tar file to :\openssl.

Doing so, the Heroku CLI can not find the OpenKey through Ubuntu Shell, producing many log advises when I run:

sudo snap install heroku --classic

from the tutorial.

The question is:

1) Is there a way for Heroku CLI, on my Ubuntu Shell, accessing that first key I previously installed on the dir c:/openssl on my Windows? or

2) I need to extract the key to the Ubuntu root?

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Paulo Felipe Souza Avatar asked Jun 15 '20 02:06

Paulo Felipe Souza

1 Answers

You can install heroku-cli with this simple install script by heroku:

curl https://cli-assets.heroku.com/install.sh | sh

Source: https://dev.to/wrightdotclick/heroku-cli-on-wsl-26fp

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Mir Ashif Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Mir Ashif