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How to install extra packages in Google Colaboratory's VM?

I'm playing with Google Colaboratory, and noticed right off the bat that tqdm is not pre-installed. Is there any way to install additional packages?

like image 886
xperroni Avatar asked Nov 14 '17 01:11


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Do I have to install packages needed each time when I start Google Colab?

Colab is a great tool for quickly testing Deep Learning models using the free GPU. However, one of its greatest shortcomings compared with Jupyter Notebooks is that you can't install a custom kernel. This means that you need to install all the packages you need every single time.

What packages are available in Google Colab?

Colab environment comes with a number of pre-installed scientific and machine learning packages such as numpy, scipy, pandas, tensorflow, and pytorch.

1 Answers

Yup. You can use pip or apt to install packages as needed.

One example for pip is in the welcome notebook:

!pip install -q matplotlib-venn
from matplotlib_venn import venn2
venn2(subsets = (3, 2, 1))

An example for apt is in the snippets:

!apt update && apt install -y libfluidsynth1

In the case of tdqm, !pip install tqdm worked for me.

like image 90
Bob Smith Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Bob Smith