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How to install DCEVM for Java 7 in Linux?




The main site of DCEVM didn't clearly explain how to install DCEVM on Linux. Running "java -jar installer.jar" in Linux (when accessed via PuTTy) gave me the following exception.

[admin@LINUXBOX jdk1.7.0_55]$ java -jar DCEVM-full-7u79-installer.jar
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(GraphicsEnvironment.java:207)
at java.awt.Window.<init>(Window.java:535)
at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Frame.java:420)
at javax.swing.JFrame.<init>(JFrame.java:224)
at com.github.dcevm.installer.MainWindow.<init>(MainWindow.java:43)
at com.github.dcevm.installer.Main.main(Main.java:46)
Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException:
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(GraphicsEnvironment.java:207)
at java.awt.Window.<init>(Window.java:535)
at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Frame.java:420)
at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Frame.java:385)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$SharedOwnerFrame.<init>(SwingUtilities.java:1757)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.getSharedOwnerFrame(SwingUtilities.java:1832)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.getRootFrame(JOptionPane.java:1697)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(JOptionPane.java:863)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.java:667)
at javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.java:638)
at com.github.dcevm.installer.Main.main(Main.java:51)

If required, I am also ready to use a Virtual Box installed Desktop Linux to try it, which then I can copy (patched JDK) into my original Linux box thereafter.

So, how can I install DCEVM on Linux (for Java 7)? Do I need a Desktop-based Linux for that?

EDIT: Here's the output of few commands suggested by the first answer by Sharad:
[admin@TESTBEDPEGSEARCH jdk1.7.0_55]$ echo $DISPLAY

[admin@TESTBEDPEGSEARCH jdk1.7.0_55]$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_55"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)

EDIT2: I am using DCEVM in Windows for quite a long time.
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KrishPrabakar Avatar asked Jun 15 '16 05:06


People also ask

How do I know if Dcevm is installed?

If DCEVM was installed successfully, java -version -XXaltjvm=dcevm will show the DCEVM version details, as expected. java -version will return the DCEVM JVM version details if the full version of DCEVM is installed.

1 Answers

echo $DISPLAY should print :0 . If it is not printing :0 Then you should set display variable using this command "export DISPLAY=" . I hope it will work

like image 118
Sharad G Tiwari Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Sharad G Tiwari