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How to install curses.h header file(or the package including it)in Linux?




I want to use certain operations (like clearing the screen etc.) in C programs in Linux platform and I am informed that it can be done including curses.h header-file. But this doesn't seem to be available along with gcc package.

Please, tell me how can I install it?

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Snehasish Karmakar Avatar asked Aug 16 '13 15:08

Snehasish Karmakar

People also ask

What is curses h in Linux?

The <curses. h> header provides a declaration for COLOR_PAIRS, COLORS, COLS, curscr, LINES and stdscr.

What is ncurses package?

ncurses (new curses) is a programming library providing an application programming interface (API) that allows the programmer to write text-based user interfaces (TUI) in a terminal-independent manner. It is a toolkit for developing "GUI-like" application software that runs under a terminal emulator.

2 Answers

Try this:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
like image 174
Linuxios Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10


On RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Linux, type the following yum command at a shell prompt as root user:

yum install ncurses-devel ncurses
like image 36
R S John Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10

R S John