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How to install bootstrap-3 on Meteor 0.9?

Just installed Meteor 0.9, and I get the following when trying to install bootstrap-3 in my project:

Error: conflict: foldor:bootstrap-3 can't be satisfied

This error is thrown in response the following command recommended on atmosphere:

meteor add foldor:bootstrap-3

I created a new Meteor 0.9 project to try to get this working in isolation, but I get the same error.

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user456584 Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 19:12


2 Answers

Someone forked the repo and published another version, since the original maintainer was taking a while to answer a pull request to update the package. The following seems to work fine.

meteor add mizzao:bootstrap-3
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Kako Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 15:12


1 year later, Bootstrap is officially released as a Meteor package.

See 3.3.4 changelog http://blog.getbootstrap.com/2015/03/16/bootstrap-3-3-4-released/

Bootstrap is now also available as a Meteor package in the Atmosphere package index

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Bruno Rivier Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 17:12

Bruno Rivier