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How to inspect JavaScript function return value in Chrome debugger?

Coming from gdb, it would print the return value of a function when it finished. Is there a way to get this information from the Chrome debugger without changing the source being debugged?

like image 541
John Freeman Avatar asked Mar 12 '12 06:03

John Freeman

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1 Answers

A fix for this was implemented as of Nov 5, 2013, but apparently is only released, while I'm writing this, in Chrome Canary. (I see it in 33.0.1719.0, but don't see it in the Chrome Beta version 32.0.1700.19 beta.)

If the version you're running does have it, then when you step through a return statement, the debugger's Scope Variables Local scope includes a <return> entry with the value.

(I need to use Canary for the main debugging I do, but didn't notice the presence of the <return> entry until seeing the referenced notice in the issue!)

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klm Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
