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How to insert array items into PostgreSQL table

Give an array like this:

my_array = [2,3,5,23,4]

and a table like this:

 column1 | column2 
   1     |     
   2     |     
   3     |     
   4     |     
   5     | 

How can I insert the array values into a table. Roughly I want to do something like this with SQL:

for item in my_array:
 UPDATE my_table SET colum2 = item

The updated table should be like this

 column1 | column2 
   1     |     2 
   2     |     3 
   3     |     5 
   4     |     23 
   5     |     4 

UPDATE: I am using Python psycopg2 but I am wondering if there is a way with pure SQL.

like image 437
ustroetz Avatar asked Mar 20 '15 10:03


People also ask

Can you insert array in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL allows columns of a table to be defined as variable-length multidimensional arrays. Arrays of any built-in or user-defined base type, enum type, composite type, range type, or domain can be created.

How do I declare an array in PostgreSQL?

You can easily create arrays in PostgreSQL by adding square brackets [] immediately after the data type for the column. create table employees ( first_name varchar, last_name varchar, phone_numbers integer[] ); In the above example, we have created column phone_numbers as an array of integers.

How do you add values to an array?

First get the element to be inserted, say x. Then get the position at which this element is to be inserted, say pos. Then shift the array elements from this position to one position forward(towards right), and do this for all the other elements next to pos.

How do I add multiple values in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL INSERT Multiple Rows First, specify the name of the table that you want to insert data after the INSERT INTO keywords. Second, list the required columns or all columns of the table in parentheses that follow the table name. Third, supply a comma-separated list of rows after the VALUES keyword.

2 Answers

In Postgres 9.4 use the WITH ORDINALITY for this. Faster and cleaner than anything else.

UPDATE test t
SET    column2 = a.column2
FROM   unnest('{2,3,5,23,4}'::int[]) WITH ORDINALITY a(column2, column1)
WHERE  t.column1 = a.column1;
  • PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Assuming that column1 represents the position of column2 in the given array, this only updates columns that are supposed to be updated and does not touch other rows (like the simple query in @a_horse's answer would).

The ordinal position of an element is also the default array subscript in a 1-dimensional array, but Postgres allows arbitrary array indices:

  • Normalize array subscripts for 1-dimensional array so they start with 1

This works irregardless of actual array subscripts.

like image 150
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Erwin Brandstetter

You need to somehow generate an array "index" for each row in the table.

If the column1 value always matches the array index, you can do it like this.

update test  
  set column2 = (array[2,3,5,23,4])[column1];

However if the value in column1 does not reflect the array index, you need to generate the array index based on the sort order in the table. If that is the case you can do something like this:

with numbered_data as (
  select ctid,
         row_number() over (order by column1) as rn --<< this generates the array index values 
  from test         
update test  
  set column2  = (array[2,3,5,23,4])[nd.rn]
from numbered_data nd
where nd.ctid = test.ctid;

If your table has a proper primary key, then you can use that instead of the ctid column.

like image 28
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
