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How to inject the dependency of the next handler in a chain of responsibility?

In my current project, I'm using quite a few Chain of Responsibility patterns.

However, I find it a bit awkward to configure the chain via dependency injection.

Given this model:

public interface IChainOfResponsibility 
    IChainOfResponsibility Next { get; }
    void Handle(Foo foo);

public class HandlerOne : IChainOfResponsibility 
    private DbContext _dbContext;

    public HandlerOne(IChainOfResponsibility next, DbContext dbContext)
        Next = next;
        _dbContext = dbContext;

    public IChainOfResponsibility Next { get; }

    public void Handle(Foo foo) { /*...*/}

public class HandlerTwo : IChainOfResponsibility 
    private DbContext _dbContext;

    public HandlerTwo(IChainOfResponsibility next, DbContext dbContext)
        Next = next;
        _dbContext = dbContext;

    public IChainOfResponsibility Next { get; }

    public void Handle(Foo foo) { /*...*/}

My Startup becomes:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IChainOfResponsibility>(x => 
        new HandlerOne(x.GetRequiredService<HandlerTwo>(), x.GetRequiredService<DbContext>())

    services.AddTransient(x => 
        new HandlerTwo(null, x.GetRequiredService<DbContext>())

How to configure my chain of responsibility more cleanly?

like image 741
Ortiga Avatar asked Apr 02 '19 13:04


People also ask

Which is the right way to inject the dependency?

Constructor injection should be the main way that you do dependency injection. It's simple: A class needs something and thus asks for it before it can even be constructed. By using the guard pattern, you can use the class with confidence, knowing that the field variable storing that dependency will be a valid instance.

How do you add dependency injection?

Dependency Injection is done by supplying the DEPENDENCY through the class's constructor when creating the instance of that class. The injected component can be used anywhere within the class. Recommended to use when the injected dependency, you are using across the class methods.

How can we inject the service dependency into the controller?

The first way of doing this is to inject a service into a controller. With an ASP. NET Core MVC application, we can use a parameter in the controller's constructor. We can add the service type and it will automatically resolve it to the instance from the DI Container.

How many ways can dependency injection be done?

There are three types of dependency injection — constructor injection, method injection, and property injection.

2 Answers

I've hacked a simple solution, as I couldn't find anything that did what I wanted. It's working fine, as it uses IServiceProvider.GetRequiredService to resolve all constructor dependencies of all the handlers of the chain.

My startup class becomes:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

What I'm doing is generating the lambda in the question dynamically using Expression. This is then compiled and registered in the IServiceCollection.AddTransient.

Because it generates compiled code, in the runtime it should run as fast as the question registration.

Here's the code that does the magic:

public static class ChainConfigurator
    public static IChainConfigurator<T> Chain<T>(this IServiceCollection services) where T : class
        return new ChainConfiguratorImpl<T>(services);

    public interface IChainConfigurator<T>
        IChainConfigurator<T> Add<TImplementation>() where TImplementation : T;
        void Configure();

    private class ChainConfiguratorImpl<T> : IChainConfigurator<T> where T : class
        private readonly IServiceCollection _services;
        private List<Type> _types;
        private Type _interfaceType;

        public ChainConfiguratorImpl(IServiceCollection services)
            _services = services;
            _types = new List<Type>();
            _interfaceType = typeof(T);

        public IChainConfigurator<T> Add<TImplementation>() where TImplementation : T
            var type = typeof(TImplementation);


            return this;

        public void Configure()
            if (_types.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"No implementation defined for {_interfaceType.Name}");

            foreach (var type in _types)

        private void ConfigureType(Type currentType)
            // gets the next type, as that will be injected in the current type
            var nextType = _types.SkipWhile(x => x != currentType).SkipWhile(x => x == currentType).FirstOrDefault();

            // Makes a parameter expression, that is the IServiceProvider x 
            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IServiceProvider), "x");

            // get constructor with highest number of parameters. Ideally, there should be only 1 constructor, but better be safe.
            var ctor = currentType.GetConstructors().OrderByDescending(x => x.GetParameters().Count()).First();

            // for each parameter in the constructor
            var ctorParameters = ctor.GetParameters().Select(p =>
                // check if it implements the interface. That's how we find which parameter to inject the next handler.
                if (_interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(p.ParameterType))
                    if (nextType is null)
                        // if there's no next type, current type is the last in the chain, so it just receives null
                        return Expression.Constant(null, _interfaceType);
                        // if there is, then we call IServiceProvider.GetRequiredService to resolve next type for us
                        return Expression.Call(typeof(ServiceProviderServiceExtensions), "GetRequiredService", new Type[] { nextType }, parameter);
                // this is a parameter we don't care about, so we just ask GetRequiredService to resolve it for us 
                return (Expression)Expression.Call(typeof(ServiceProviderServiceExtensions), "GetRequiredService", new Type[] { p.ParameterType }, parameter);

            // cool, we have all of our constructors parameters set, so we build a "new" expression to invoke it.
            var body = Expression.New(ctor, ctorParameters.ToArray());
            // if current type is the first in our list, then we register it by the interface, otherwise by the concrete type
            var first = _types[0] == currentType;
            var resolveType = first ? _interfaceType : currentType;
            var expressionType = Expression.GetFuncType(typeof(IServiceProvider), resolveType);

            // finally, we can build our expression
            var expression = Expression.Lambda(expressionType, body, parameter);

            // compile it
            var compiledExpression = (Func<IServiceProvider, object>)expression.Compile();

            // and register it in the services collection as transient
            _services.AddTransient(resolveType, compiledExpression );

PS.: I'm answering my own question for future reference (myself and hopefully others), but I'd love some feedback on this.

like image 146
Ortiga Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 02:10


Quick solution working for simplest cases of dependency chains.

    public static IServiceCollection AddChained<TService>(this IServiceCollection services, params Type[] implementationTypes)
        if (implementationTypes.Length == 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Pass at least one implementation type", nameof(implementationTypes));

        foreach(Type type in implementationTypes)

        int order = 0;
        services.AddTransient(typeof(TService), provider =>
            //starts again
            if (order > implementationTypes.Length - 1)
                order = 0;

            Type type = implementationTypes[order];

            return provider.GetService(type);

        return services;

and then

services.AddChained<IService>(typeof(SomeTypeWithIService), typeof(SomeType));

Important notice:

Need to use this solution very carefully as it may not work consistently in multi-thread scenarios. order variable is not thread-safe here. Because of that it can't guarantee that it will always return first implementation in chain for our service.

For instance when we call services.GetService<IService>() we expect to receive instance of SomeTypeWithIService all the time as this is first implementation in chain. But if we do the same call in multiple threads we can sometimes receive SomeType instead because order is not thread-safe.

like image 24
feihoa Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10
