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How to inject javascript code to the beginning of every prototype method?



I want to inject code in javascript, for debugging purposes, within every one of my method prototypes in javascript. This example shows one class only, but assume I have hundreds of classes and each class has dozens of methods. This mechanism should perform at prototype level without the need to specify each class/method name.

function MyClass1() {
    this.attrib = "ABC";

MyClass1.prototype.myMethod = function() {

The idea is to dynamically inject some code before the first row of myMethod(), during the first loading/execution of the javascript code. Such as:

MyClass1.prototype.myMethod = function() {
   alert("I was injected dynamically");
   alert("first row");

So for every other Class and Method, the same should happen. Is this achievable using the Function.prototype approach ?

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gextra Avatar asked Jul 06 '13 12:07


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JavaScript injection is a process by which we can insert and use our own JavaScript code in a page, either by entering the code into the address bar, or by finding an XSS vulnerability in a website. Note that the changes can only be seen by you and are not permanent.

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__proto__ Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended.

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Every object in JavaScript has a built-in property, which is called its prototype. The prototype is itself an object, so the prototype will have its own prototype, making what's called a prototype chain. The chain ends when we reach a prototype that has null for its own prototype.

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We can access the function's prototype property using functionName. prototype . As seen from the above image prototype property of the function is an object (prototype object) with two properties: constructor property which points to Human function itself.

1 Answers

Just wrap your method. Here is the standard method:

MyClass1.prototype.myMethod = function() {
    alert("first row");

Then wrap it:

var orig = MyClass1.prototype.myMethod;
MyClass1.prototype.myMethod = function() {
    return orig.apply(this, arguments);

You are asking two questions, and I've only answered one of them (i.e. how to wrap a function). The other part - how to do this on many functions - is best done using a specialized library. In fact, this can be done using Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). I found a couple of JavaScript libraries that offers this, one of them is Aop.js (try googling for more yourself).

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mzedeler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
