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How to inject an Activity into an Adapter using dagger2

Android Studio 3.0 Canary 8

I am trying to inject my MainActivity into my Adapter. However, my solution works ok, but I think its a code smell and not the right way to do it.

My adapter snippet looks like this the but I don't like about this is that I have to cast the Activity to MainActivity:

public class RecipeAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecipeListViewHolder> {
    private List<Recipe> recipeList = Collections.emptyList();
    private Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories;
    private MainActivity mainActivity;

    public RecipeAdapter(Activity activity, Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories) {
        this.recipeList = new ArrayList<>();
        this.viewHolderFactories = viewHolderFactories;
        this.mainActivity = (MainActivity)activity;

    public RecipeListViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
        /* Inject the viewholder */
        final RecipeListViewHolder recipeListViewHolder = viewHolderFactories.get(Constants.RECIPE_LIST).createViewHolder(viewGroup);

        recipeListViewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                /* Using the MainActivity to call a callback listener */

        return recipeListViewHolder;

In my Module, I pass the Activity in the module's constructor and pass it to the Adapter.

public class RecipeListModule {
    private Activity activity;

    public RecipeListModule() {}

    public RecipeListModule(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;

    RecipeAdapter providesRecipeAdapter(Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories) {
        return new RecipeAdapter(activity, viewHolderFactories);

In My Application class I create the components and I am using a SubComponent for the adapter. Here I have to pass the Activity which I am not sure is a good idea.

public void onCreate() {

    applicationComponent = createApplicationComponent();
    recipeListComponent = createRecipeListComponent();

public BusbyBakingComponent createApplicationComponent() {
    return DaggerBusbyBakingComponent.builder()
            .networkModule(new NetworkModule())
            .androidModule(new AndroidModule(BusbyBakingApplication.this))
            .exoPlayerModule(new ExoPlayerModule())

public RecipeListComponent createRecipeListComponent(Activity activity) {
    return recipeListComponent = applicationComponent.add(new RecipeListModule(activity));

My Fragment I inject like this:

@Inject RecipeAdapter recipeAdapter;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Even though the above design works, I think it's a code smell as I have to cast the Activity to the MainActivity. The reason I use the Activity as I want to make this module more generic.

Just wondering if there is a better way



public interface RecipeItemClickListener {
    void onRecipeItemClick(Recipe recipe);


public class RecipeItemClickListenerImp implements RecipeItemClickListener {
    public void onRecipeItemClick(Recipe recipe, Context context) {
        final Intent intent = Henson.with(context)


In my module, I have the following providers

public class RecipeListModule {
    RecipeItemClickListener providesRecipeItemClickListenerImp() {
        return new RecipeItemClickListenerImp();

    RecipeAdapter providesRecipeAdapter(RecipeItemClickListener recipeItemClickListener, Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories) {
        return new RecipeAdapter(recipeItemClickListener, viewHolderFactories);

Then I use it through constructor injection in the RecipeAdapter

public class RecipeAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecipeListViewHolder> {
    private List<Recipe> recipeList = Collections.emptyList();
    private Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories;
    private RecipeItemClickListener recipeItemClickListener;

    @Inject /* IS THIS NESSESSARY - AS IT WORKS WITH AND WITHOUT THE @Inject annotation */
    public RecipeAdapter(RecipeItemClickListener recipeItemClickListener, Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories) {
        this.recipeList = new ArrayList<>();
        this.viewHolderFactories = viewHolderFactories;
        this.recipeItemClickListener = recipeItemClickListener;

    public RecipeListViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
        /* Inject the viewholder */
        final RecipeListViewHolder recipeListViewHolder = viewHolderFactories.get(Constants.RECIPE_LIST).createViewHolder(viewGroup);

        recipeListViewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                recipeItemClickListener.onRecipeItemClick(getRecipe(recipeListViewHolder.getAdapterPosition()), viewGroup.getContext());

        return recipeListViewHolder;

Just one question, is the @Inject annotation need for the constructor in the RecipeAdapter. As it works with or without the @Inject.

like image 933
ant2009 Avatar asked Jul 31 '17 15:07


People also ask

How do you inject an activity?

To inject an object in the activity, you'd use the appComponent defined in your Application class and call the inject() method, passing in an instance of the activity that requests injection.

What is @inject in Android?

You pass the dependencies of a class to its constructor. Field Injection (or Setter Injection). Certain Android framework classes such as activities and fragments are instantiated by the system, so constructor injection is not possible. With field injection, dependencies are instantiated after the class is created.

What is dagger2 and why do you use it?

Dagger 2 is a compile-time android dependency injection framework that uses Java Specification Request 330 and Annotations. Some of the basic annotations that are used in dagger 2 are: @Module This annotation is used over the class which is used to construct objects and provide the dependencies.

How does a dagger injection work?

Dagger automatically generates code that mimics the code you would otherwise have hand-written. Because the code is generated at compile time, it's traceable and more performant than other reflection-based solutions such as Guice. Note: Use Hilt for dependency injection on Android.

2 Answers

Do not pass Activities into Adapters - This is a really bad practice.

Inject only the fields you care about.

In your example: Pass an interface into the adapter to track the item click.

like image 114
Yossi Segev Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Yossi Segev

If you need a MainActivity then you should also provide it. Instead of Activity declare MainActivity for your module.

public class RecipeListModule {
  private MainActivity activity;

  public RecipeListModule(MainActivity activity) {
    this.activity = activity;

And your Adapter should just request it (Constructor Injection for non Android Framework types!)

class RecipeAdapter {

  RecipeAdapter(MainActivity activity,
          Map<Integer, RecipeListViewHolderFactory> viewHolderFactories) {
    // ...


If you want your module to use Activity and not MainActivity then you will need to declare an interface as already mentioned. You adapter would then declare the interface as its dependency.

But in some module you will still have to bind that interface to your MainActivity and one module needs to know how to provide the dependency.

// in some abstract module
@Binds MyAdapterInterface(MainActivity activity) // bind the activity to the interface

Addressing the updated part of the question

Just one question, is the @Inject annotation need for the constructor in the RecipeAdapter. As it works with or without the @Inject.

It works without it because you're still not using constructor injection. You're still calling the constructor yourself in providesRecipeAdapter(). As a general rule of thumb—if you want to use Dagger properly—don't ever call new yourself. If you want to use new ask yourself if you could be using constructor injection instead.

The same module you show could be written as follows, making use of @Binds to bind an implementation to the interface, and actually using constructor injection to create the adapter (which is why we don't have to write any method for it! Less code to maintain, less errors, more readable classes)

As you see I don't need to use new myself—Dagger will create the objects for me.

public abstract class RecipeListModule {
  RecipeItemClickListener providesRecipeClickListener(RecipeItemClickListenerImp listener);
like image 35
David Medenjak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

David Medenjak