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How to inject a list of implementations in a @InjectMockKs test instance?

Spring Boot allows to inject a list of all implementations of an interface (SomeComponent) as List into another component (SomeOtherComponent), e.g.

interface SomeComponent
class SomeComponentImpl0 : SomeComponent
class SomeComponentImpl1 : SomeComponent
class SomeOtherComponent {
    lateinit var impls: List<SomeComponent>

How can I inject mocks for the implementations using MockK annotations? In

import io.mockk.MockKAnnotations
import io.mockk.impl.annotations.InjectMockKs
import io.mockk.impl.annotations.MockK
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class SomeOtherComponentTest {
    lateinit var someComponentImpl0: SomeComponentImpl0

    lateinit var someComponentImpl1: SomeComponentImpl1

    lateinit var instance: SomeOtherComponent

    fun setup() {

    fun testSomething() {

I'm getting either

No matching constructors found:
constructor(impls : kotlin.collections.List<de.richtercloud.inject.mocks.foor.list.of.impl.SomeComponent> = <not able to lookup>)
        at de.richtercloud.inject.mocks.foor.list.of.impl.SomeOtherComponentTest.setup(SomeOtherComponentTest.kt:40)

if I'm using constructor injecction and

kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property impls has not been initialized
        at de.richtercloud.inject.mocks.foor.list.of.impl.SomeOtherComponentTest.testSomething(SomeOtherComponentTest.kt:26)

if I'm using an @Autowired var property in the class.

I'm using 1.3.50 through Maven 3.6 and MockK 1.9.3.

like image 869
Kalle Richter Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 11:10

Kalle Richter

1 Answers

Add @ExtendWith(MockKExtension::class) above your Test class to make @InjectMokKs work.

like image 111
Fabi D Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Fabi D