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How to initialize a boolean array in javascript

I am learning javascript and I want to initialize a boolean array in javascript.

I tried doing this:

 var anyBoxesChecked = [];
 var numeroPerguntas = 5;     
 for(int i=0;i<numeroPerguntas;i++)

But it doesn't work.

After googling I only found this way:

 public var terroristShooting : boolean[] = BooleanArrayTrue(10);
 function BooleanArrayTrue (size : int) : boolean[] {
     var boolArray = new boolean[size];
     for (var b in boolArray) b = true;
     return boolArray;

But I find this a very difficult way just to initialize an array. Any one knows another way to do that?

like image 434
Alberto Crespo Avatar asked Nov 20 '14 13:11

Alberto Crespo

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1 Answers

I know it's late but i found this efficient method to initialize array with Boolean values

    var numeroPerguntas = 5;     
    var anyBoxesChecked = new Array(numeroPerguntas).fill(false);
like image 116
warl0ck Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10
