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How to increase time window for Jenkins TimeLine graph



In the Jenkins main page, I have a link called "Build History" that builds Timeline chart with the chronology of all builds. Link is:


It looks like the following:
enter image description here
I use it a lot as I can see in one chart how many failures occurred.
My problem is that history starts at 2AM, I can guarantee I have a job execution every day at 1AM, and I can not see it here.
In the end I would like to have a least the last 24 hours each time, but I did not find any configuration menu for this. I don't even know if it's from a plugin I installed or native in Jenkins.
Does anyone know how to increase the time window ? (or give me an indication on where to search ...)

like image 897
Gurvan Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 12:10


1 Answers

You are talking about the greyish window, not the table below, right?

This is a 2 part slider with a viewfinder at the top middle.

The lower (darker grey shade) part is in hours. It fits about 4.5 hours in the view.
The upper (middle grey shade) part is in days. It fits about 4.5 days in the view.
The top middle (lightest grey shade) part is showing on the upper (days) graph the relative position of the 4.5-hour window that you are currently viewing on the lower (hours) graph.

You can scroll the graphs either by clicking and dragging left/right, or by pointing the mouse there and using the mouse scroll. Since the lower graph is relative to the upper graph, the scrolling is linked too: you can scroll in large chunks using the upper graph, and scroll in smaller finer increments using the lower graph.

If you are having issues seeing anything on the lower graph, then look for little vertical bars on the upper graph (scroll if you need to). Position those within the lightest grey area in the middle (let's call it the "viewfinder"), and you will see a list of jobs in the lower part.

While I haven't seen a way to increase the default window from the default 4.5-hour view, you can easily scroll it left/right to view the past 24 hours.

like image 151
Slav Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10
