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How to include third party js libraries in React app

I am new to React and am looking for the React equivalent of this JQuery approach to including analytics throughout my application.

Typically I would:

  1. Include the 3rd party library on the html pages. Easy enough to put on the index.html page but I don't know if that is best practice.

    <script src="http://path/to/script/utag.js" />

  2. Then I can interact with the library as long as it has loaded, which I can verify using JQuery window.load. This script will run fine on a plain html page, but I am trying to find the equivalent best practice way of doing this in my react app. I don't want to introduce jquery and currently my React container will tell me that utag is not defined if I try referencing utag in a function.

    <script> $(window).load(function() { utag.link({ "event_name" : "locale_select", "language" : utag_data.language, "currency" : utag_data.currency } ); }); </script>

I'm new to React so any help would be great. I know that my project is not using webpack, it's using react-scripts and was started using the create-react-app utility.

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user1521567 Avatar asked Aug 30 '17 00:08


People also ask

Is it possible to integrate third party libraries with React?

Third-party libraries can be integrated with class components, also with functional components using Hooks. According to Dan Abramov, they (React Team in Facebook) have no plans to remove ES6 class syntax support in the future.

How do you import JavaScript library into React?

Installation: Open a terminal inside your ReactJS project folder and write the following code to install react-script-tag Package. Import 'ScriptTag' component: Import the built-in 'ScriptTag' component from the react-script-tag library at the top of the file where we want to add the script tag.

2 Answers

According to this issue on GitHub if you are using create-react-app, if you want to use global variables that imported or created in your index.html file in your react script, you must use window.variable_name.

In your case, this will probably work

import React from "react"
class App extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        window.utag.link({ "event_name" : "locale_select", "language" : 
    window.utag_data.language, "currency" : window.utag_data.currency } );

    render() {
        return <div />;
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Mohammad Mahmoudi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Mohammad Mahmoudi

import someLibrary from 'some-library';

class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    return <div />;

Its important to understand the statement inside the Component offered above. componentDidMount() is a lifecycle method that gets called automatically after the Component has been rendered to the screen. Then inside of it you call your someLibrary(). Depending on what type of third-party library you are talking about will dictate what you may need to also pass into someLibrary().

This is how Reactjs interacts with third-party libraries, because typically third-party libraries do not know how to be in a React ecosystem. They don't have any idea what a render() method is or what JSX is. So this is the general way of making third-party libraries work nicely with React.

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Daniel Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
