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How to include JavaScript file or library in Chrome console?

People also ask

How do I add JavaScript to my browser console?

To open the JavaScript Console in Chrome, you can navigate to the menu at the top-right of your browser window signified by three vertical dots. From there, you can select More Tools then Developer Tools.

appendChild() is a more native way:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'script.js';

Do you use some AJAX framework? Using jQuery it would be:


If you're not using any framework then see the answer by Harmen.

(Maybe it is not worth to use jQuery just to do this one simple thing (or maybe it is) but if you already have it loaded then you might as well use it. I have seen websites that have jQuery loaded e.g. with Bootstrap but still use the DOM API directly in a way that is not always portable, instead of using the already loaded jQuery for that, and many people are not aware of the fact that even getElementById() doesn't work consistently on all browsers - see this answer for details.)


It's been years since I wrote this answer and I think it's worth pointing out here that today you can use:

  • SystemJS
  • ModuleLoader
  • jspm.io

to dynamically load scripts. Those may be relevant to people reading this question.

See also: The Fluent 2014 talk by Guy Bedford: Practical Workflows for ES6 Modules.

In the modern browsers you can use the fetch to download resource (Mozilla docs) and then eval to execute it.

For example to download Angular1 you need to type:

    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(text => eval(text))
    .then(() => { /* now you can use your library */ })

As a follow-up to the answer of @maciej-bukowski above ^^^, in modern browsers as of now (spring 2017) that support async/await you can load as follows. In this example we load the load html2canvas library:

async function loadScript(url) {
  let response = await fetch(url);
  let script = await response.text();

let scriptUrl = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js'

If you run the snippet and then open your browser's console you should see the function html2canvas() is now defined.

In chrome, your best option might be the Snippets tab under Sources in the Developer Tools.

It will allow you to write and run code, for example, in a about:blank page.

More information here: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/debug/snippets/?hl=en

var el = document.createElement("script"),
loaded = false;
el.onload = el.onreadystatechange = function () {
  if ((el.readyState && el.readyState !== "complete" && el.readyState !== "loaded") || loaded) {
    return false;
  el.onload = el.onreadystatechange = null;
  loaded = true;
  // done!
el.async = true;
el.src = path;
var hhead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
hhead.insertBefore(el, hhead.firstChild);