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How to include html code in a view?

I'm using express.js and EJS as template engine. I don't understand how to use partials, I have seen at the examples but the author used JADE template engine, so I don't know how to apply it with EJS.

I have a simple view named: test.ejs and another .ejs file named part1.ejs

I need to show part1.ejs inside test.ejs.

I tried putting <% partial('part1', {}) %> (into test.ejs) but nothing happen, It does not include that file.

Could someone give me an example?

Thank you!

like image 926
Dail Avatar asked Dec 17 '11 18:12


1 Answers

The correct code in your situation would be:

<%- partial('part1') %>

If you want to include unescaped HTML use <%- and if you want to escape HTML (unlinkely though when including a partial) you can use <%=.


Node.js - EJS - including a partial

like image 11
alessioalex Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
