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How to include all resources into one html file?




is there any c# library or any free tool which can convert a html file with many referenced resources into a one "all-in-one" html file?

The main task is to have only one file, it means I need to include

  1. Javascript external files - this will probably mean replace all 'script' tags with 'src' attribute by 'script' tags with content read from referenced file.
  2. Images - replace src="picture.png" with data uri - something like src="..."
  3. CSS files
  4. may be i forgot something :)

This HTML file must be readable in all browsers, that's why I cannot use MHT file format (unreadable on Safari, iPad...)

like image 431
cartas Avatar asked Apr 30 '12 13:04


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The basic element you can use to include HTML in other HTML documents is the HTML link. The link element has an opening and a closing tag. This is important to know because inside the opening tag, you are supposed to add specific HTML attributes that are going to create the link.

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How to add a resource reference in HTML? Use the <link> tag to add a resource reference. The HTML <link> tag is used for defining a link to an external document. It is placed in the <head> section of the document. Defines the character encoding of the linked document. Specifies the URL of the resource document.

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Whereas in first one html code, we only include a script file which we get from web and the link is specified in this article. After this is body tag, here we use include tag, which is a paired tag. in src attribute of include you have to give the location with name and extension.

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Including HTML is done by using a w3-include-html attribute: HTML includes are done by JavaScript. if (this.status == 404) {elmnt.innerHTML = "Page not found.";}

1 Answers

You can use HTML Agility Pack to go read/write the html document. HTML Agility supports XPath so you can get a list of nodes you want to modify.

Using this, changing the attribute value of image tags should be easy. You can also get a list of external js references, read them and then update the script tag accordingly.

like image 60
MWS Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 13:11