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How to include a file from another folder?


In my current project I have separated my class files and my header files. My project structure currently looks like this:

  • Project

    • Source
      • src
        • class1.cpp
        • class2.cpp
      • main.cpp
    • Header
      • include
        • class1.h
        • class2.h

My problem is that I do not know how to include the header files into the class files. Am I unable to link to headers that are not at the same level or in a child folder? Or is there some way to go from the project root and work my way down? For instance:
#include "Project/Headers/include/class1.h" inside the class1.cpp file

like image 993
Sheldon Allen Avatar asked Jul 30 '11 18:07

Sheldon Allen

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You can find this option under Project Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories. and having it find it even in lib\headers. You can give the absolute or relative path to the header file in the #include statement.

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Add your include directories there. For Code::Blocks, go to the Project menu and select “Build Options”, then the “Search directories” tab. Add your include directories there. For g++, you can use the -I option to specify an alternate include directory.

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1 Answers

Assuming you want class1.cpp to include class1.h you would do something like this

#include "../../Header/class1.h" 

The .. tells the tells the OS to jump 1 directory up when the compiler asks for the file.

like image 172
Pepe Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
