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How to import/export Typescript type/interface in Svelte file using Sapper?

What I'm trying to achieve

I'm trying to create a svelte component (using TypeScript), create a type, export it and import it into another file.

  • Options.svelte => svelte component that also exports type
  • index.svelte => import component and use type

What I have

I have a component, for example:


<script lang="ts" context="module">
    export type Option = {
        label: string

<script lang="ts">
    export let options: Option[]

{#each options as option}

And I use that component in another file, for example:


<script lang="ts">
    import Options from './Options.svelte'
    import type Option from './Options.svelte'

    let options: Option[] = [{ label: 'one' }, { label: 'two' }]

<Options bind:options />

What I get

This continues to give me the following error when running svelte-check --ignore src/node_modules/@sapper:

Error: Type '{ label: string; }' is missing the following properties from type 'SvelteComponentDev': $set, $on, $destroy, $capture_state, and 2 more. (ts)

Error: JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a '$$prop_def' property. (ts)

Error: Type definitions are missing for this Svelte Component. It needs a class definition with at least the property '$$prop_def' which should contain a map of input property definitions.
class ComponentName { $$prop_def: { propertyName: string; } }

'SwitchMulti' cannot be used as a JSX component.
  Its instance type 'SvelteComponentDev' is not a valid JSX element.
    Property '$$prop_def' is missing in type 'SvelteComponentDev' but required in type 'ElementClass'. (ts)


How might I export/import the TypeScript type/interface from the svelte component to the index.svelte file so that I may use it?

I followed what is written in this answer, but cannot figure out how to import it without constant errors. Is this an issue with svelte-check?

Update 1

I can confirm that this issue is specific to svelte-check (current version 1.1.17).

I can run sapper dev and there are no errors.

Update 2

As mentioned by dummdidumm in their answer, the first error is result of a typo, I should instead have the following import (I was importing it as default - which is the component itself, not the type):

import type { Option } from './Options.svelte'

The other errors still persist whenever I pass an attribute to a custom component built with TypeScript.

like image 783
ctwheels Avatar asked Nov 27 '20 20:11


People also ask

How do I import a TypeScript file into svelte?

Once you have TypeScript configured, you can start using it from a Svelte component by just adding a <script lang='ts'> at the beginning of the script section. To use it from regular JavaScript files, just change the file extension from . js to . ts .

Can we export interface in TypeScript?

TypeScript supports export = to model the traditional CommonJS and AMD workflow. The export = syntax specifies a single object that is exported from the module. This can be a class, interface, namespace, function, or enum.

Should I use TypeScript with SvelteKit?

You probably don't need TypeScript directly to profit from a strong type-checking experience inside your Svelte and SvelteKit applications. VS Code and the Svelte extension can also offer help if you annotate your components with JSDoc comments.

1 Answers

The error is misleading. You import the type as a default import. The default import is the component. You should write import type { Option } from './Options.svelte' instead.

like image 124
dummdidumm Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
