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How to import the Disqus XML Exported Comments to Wordpress WXR

I currently moving my comments system back to default Wordpress comments. I was using Disqus before but I decided to move back. Disqus provides a tool that you can export all your comments but unfortunately, they will provide you with XML format. The worst thing is WordPress only reads WXR file format.

My solution to this is i should manually rewrite what Disqus gave me (I mean the XML file i exported from disqus) to WordPress WXR file format. My problem is that I don't know what is the basic structure of the WordPress comments required.

You can view the Disqus Exported XML file here! My only concern here is i just need a template or format which I can follow on how to write a correct WXR file comments so that I can import it directly in my WordPress using the Import Tool. By the way, when I try to upload the XML file to WordPress, I get this error:

Invalid file. Please upload a valid Disqus export file."

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Ben Daggers Avatar asked Apr 21 '12 11:04

Ben Daggers

People also ask

How do I import my Disqus comments to WordPress?

Then, in your WordPress Admin Dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New and search for “Disqus.” Select the Disqus for WordPress plugin, install, and activate it. You will find the configuration options for Disqus on the Disqus menu item in the WordPress Admin to continue the installation.

How do I export my Disqus comments?

To export your comments navigate to your Disqus Admin > Community > Export and click "Export". The export will be sent into a queue and then emailed to the address associated with your account once it's ready. Exports may not be available for all sites, particularly those of a large size.

1 Answers

The Disqus WordPress plugin includes a sync feature which will sync your comments from Disqus back to your WordPress installation. It can be located on the Advanced Options tab inside the plugin.

like image 72
Talton Figgins Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10

Talton Figgins