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How To Import Tags Into Gitlab



I've just converted our repository from github to an internal gitlab. I started by getting a bare local repository and I have been able to get a new master into gitlab.

In my local repository, git tag shows a list of tags that I had on github. But none of the tags are showing up in gitlab.

I have GitLab 6.6.0.pre fe6c534.

So I how do I import my tags into gitlab?

like image 873
Brad Rhoads Avatar asked Apr 30 '14 15:04

Brad Rhoads

1 Answers

You should push those tags to your remote gitlab:

git push --tags

By default, git push pushed only commits, not tags.
(See "Push git commits & tags simultaneously" for more on that)

like image 178
VonC Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
