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How to import CSV/TSV data to Couch DB?





How to import CSV/TSV data to Couch DB?

like image 579
bbnn Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 21:03


People also ask

How do I use a CSV file in PopSQL?

Importing a CSV file into SQL Server can be done within PopSQL by using either BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET(BULK...) command. The BULK INSERT command is used if you want to import the file as it is, without changing the structure of the file or having the need to filter data from a file.

2 Answers

Its pretty easy with python.

 #!/usr/bin/env python

from couchdbkit import Server, Database
from couchdbkit.loaders import FileSystemDocsLoader
from csv import DictReader
import sys, subprocess, math, os

def parseDoc(doc):
    for k,v in doc.items():
        if (isinstance(v,str)):
            #print k, v, v.isdigit()
            # #see if this string is really an int or a float
            if v.isdigit()==True: #int
                doc[k] = int(v)
            else: #try a float
                    if math.isnan(float(v))==False:
                        doc[k] = float(v) 
    return doc

def upload(db, docs):
    del docs
    return list()

def uploadFile(fname, uri, dbname):

  print 'Upload contents of %s to %s/%s' % (fname, uri, dbname)

  # #connect to the db
  theServer = Server(uri)
  db = theServer.get_or_create_db(dbname)

  #loop on file for upload
  reader = DictReader(open(fname, 'rU'), dialect = 'excel')  #see the python csv module 
         #for other options, such as using the tab delimeter. The first line in your csv 
         #file should contain all of the "key" and all subsequent lines hold the values 
         #for those keys.

  #used for bulk uploading
  docs = list()
  checkpoint = 100

  for doc in reader:
    newdoc = parseDoc(doc) #this just converts strings that are really numbers into ints and floats

    #Here I check to see if the doc is already on the database. If it is, then I assign
    #the _rev key so that it updates the doc on the db.

    if db.doc_exist(newdoc.get('_id')):
      newdoc['_rev'] = db.get_rev(newdoc.get('_id'))


    if len(docs)%checkpoint==0:
      docs = upload(db,docs)

  #don't forget the last batch        
  docs = upload(db,docs)

if __name__=='__main__':
  filename = sys.argv[1]
  uri = sys.argv[2]
  dbname = sys.argv[3]

  uploadFile(filename, uri, dbname)
like image 98
gadamcox Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10


Apache CouchDB only stores JSON documents. Therefore, to import CSV you must convert to individual JSON documents and then POST them normally.

You will probably have to write a program to loop through each line. Convert the CSV line (a sequence of values) into the JSON document (a sequence of key:value pairs). Then simply send it to CouchDB using HTTP.

like image 42
JasonSmith Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10
