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How to import CSV to Trello [closed]




I have a .csv file that I want to import to Trello. How can I go about doing that? Zapier won´t work because there are too many and I would be required to pay, which I´m trying to avoid.

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tisokoro Avatar asked May 18 '15 18:05


2 Answers

It's been some time since I used it, but this was killer:

Online Scrum Tools – Part 3 – Import Backlog into Trello

Basically, it's a Google Docs Spreadsheet with some custom JavaScript in it. You set it up with your Trello API Key, the Board ID, and the List ID, and it does the magic.

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Pittsburgh DBA Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10

Pittsburgh DBA

You can do this via the Import Wizard, by Import2 (disclaimer, I work for Import2). This will import your lists from CSV directly into Trello and there is no limit on number of items.

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Ashley_Milne Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10
