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How to import a CSV file using Google Sheets API V4


I'm developing a Python 2.7 script that analyzes data from an SQL table and at the end, generates a CSV file.

Once the file is generated, I'm logging into my google sheet account and use the import option to import my CSV file into the google spreadsheet

The manual labor is kinda stupid and I wish to add this ability to my script.

Google Sheets API V4

So, I followed this guide, Python Quickstart and was able to complete all the steps.

Then I followed Google Sheets API reference and looked into Method: spreadsheets.create. If I understand correctly, it does not provides the options to import from a file.

It seems like there is no API for the import functionality.


How to import a CSV file using Google Sheets API V4? Is their an example/reference that I'm missing?

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idanshmu Avatar asked Feb 21 '17 08:02


3 Answers

You have two options for importing g CSV file. You can use the Drive API to create a spreadsheet from a CSV, or you can use the Sheets API to create an empty spreadsheet and then use spreadsheets.batchUpdate with a PasteDataRequest to add CSV data.

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Sam Berlin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Sam Berlin

I've spent couple of hours trying to make any of the other answers work. Libraries do not explain the authentication well, and don't work with google-provided way of handling credentials. On the other hand, Sam's answer doesn't elaborate on the details of using the API, which might be confusing at times. So, here is a full recipe of uploading CSVs to gSheets. It uses both Sam's and CapoChino's answers plus some of my own research.

  1. Authenticate/Setup. Generally, refer to the docs
    • Big blue button will get you credentials.json with no extra steps
    • quickstart.py can easily be adapted into authenticate.py
    • scopes should contain https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets

Hopefully by now you have your credentials stored, so let's move to the actual code

  1. Recipe that should work out of the box:
import pickle
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

SPREADSHEET_ID = '1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms' # Get this one from the link in browser
worksheet_name = 'Sheet2'
path_to_csv = 'New Folder/much_data.csv'
path_to_credentials = 'Credentials/token.pickle'

# convenience routines
def find_sheet_id_by_name(sheet_name):
    # ugly, but works
    sheets_with_properties = API \
        .spreadsheets() \
        .get(spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, fields='sheets.properties') \
        .execute() \

    for sheet in sheets_with_properties:
        if 'title' in sheet['properties'].keys():
            if sheet['properties']['title'] == sheet_name:
                return sheet['properties']['sheetId']

def push_csv_to_gsheet(csv_path, sheet_id):
    with open(csv_path, 'r') as csv_file:
        csvContents = csv_file.read()
    body = {
        'requests': [{
            'pasteData': {
                "coordinate": {
                    "sheetId": sheet_id,
                    "rowIndex": "0",  # adapt this if you need different positioning
                    "columnIndex": "0", # adapt this if you need different positioning
                "data": csvContents,
                "type": 'PASTE_NORMAL',
                "delimiter": ',',
    request = API.spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, body=body)
    response = request.execute()
    return response

# upload
with open(path_to_credentials, 'rb') as token:
    credentials = pickle.load(token)

API = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)


Good thing about directly using batchUpdate is that it uploads thousands of rows in a second. On a low level gspread does the same and should be as performant. Also there is gspread-pandas.

p.s. the code is tested with python 3.5, but this thread seemed to be most appropriate to submit it to.

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Ufos Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09


Another alternative to Sam Berlin's answer. If you're using Python, you can use the Drive API via gspread to import a CSV file. Here's an example:

import gspread

# Check how to get `credentials`:
# https://github.com/burnash/gspread

gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

# Read CSV file contents
content = open('file_to_import.csv', 'r').read()

gc.import_csv('<SPREADSHEET_ID>', content)

Related question: Upload CSV to Google Sheets using gspread

like image 43
Burnash Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09
