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How to implement the new Material Design Bottom App Bar

My company currently uses Vue and scss to build our latest PWA. Given certain conditions (based on the user profile), the left drawer should be replaced by a Bottom App Bar.

We are using Vue Material but our UX and UI designer chose to use the latest version of the Bottom App Bar released by Google.

However, the CSS for this particular component haven't been released yet and isn't part of the VueMaterial components library (which currently support the older version) and I'm struggling to reproduce the second version of the new bar.

I can't post images so here is the link of what I'm refering to

I do not understand how it is possible, using a CSS only solution, to reproduce the inset between the bar and the FAB. I tried to solve the problem using clip-path and mask-image without much success.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.

like image 888
Corentin Donzelli Avatar asked Apr 10 '19 07:04

Corentin Donzelli

People also ask

What is the bar at the bottom of the app screen called?

The Navigation bar is the menu that appears on the bottom of your screen - it's the foundation of navigating your device. However, it isn't set in stone; you can customize the layout and button order, or even make it disappear entirely and use gestures to navigate your device instead.

What is material design toolbar?

com.google.android.material.appbar.MaterialToolbar. MaterialToolbar is a Toolbar that implements certain Material features, such as elevation overlays for Dark Themes and centered titles.

1 Answers

Here are a couple of different options. I've added background images so it is clear that the cutout is transparent.

Box-shadow on a pseudo element

Doesn't give the rounded corners and isn't very flexible.

body {
  height: 100vh;
  background: url(https://placeimg.com/640/480/nature) center/cover no-repeat;

.bar {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  height: 56px;
  background: transparent;
  overflow: hidden;

.bar::before {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: -32px;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  border-radius: 1000px;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 5000px rebeccapurple;
<div class="bar"></div>

Loads of clip path points

Code taken from this fiddle.

Not the easiest to configure but could probably create a preprocessor mixin to handle the generation of those points. Definitely gives a much better effect than the box-shadow technique.

body {
  height: 100vh;
  background: url(https://placeimg.com/640/480/nature) center/cover no-repeat;

.bar {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  height: 56px;
  background: rebeccapurple;
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, 
    calc(50% - 38px) 0, 
    calc(50% - 37.487665px) 0.628287px, 
    calc(50% - 36.975331px) 1.256382px, 
    calc(50% - 36.462997px) 1.884094px, 
    calc(50% - 35.912306px) 2.511233px, 
    calc(50% - 35.863009px) 3.137607px, 
    calc(50% - 35.802788px) 3.763025px, 
    calc(50% - 35.731661px) 4.387296px, 
    calc(50% - 35.64965px) 5.010232px, 
    calc(50% - 35.55678px) 5.631641px, 
    calc(50% - 35.453079px) 6.251334px, 
    calc(50% - 35.338579px) 6.869124px, 
    calc(50% - 35.213314px) 7.484821px, 
    calc(50% - 35.077322px) 8.098238px, 
    calc(50% - 34.930646px) 8.709188px, 
    calc(50% - 34.77333px) 9.317486px, 
    calc(50% - 34.605421px) 9.922945px, 
    calc(50% - 34.426971px) 10.525381px, 
    calc(50% - 34.238035px) 11.124612px, 
    calc(50% - 34.038669px) 11.720454px, 
    calc(50% - 33.828934px) 12.312725px, 
    calc(50% - 33.608895px) 12.901246px, 
    calc(50% - 33.378619px) 13.485837px, 
    calc(50% - 33.138175px) 14.066321px, 
    calc(50% - 32.887636px) 14.642519px, 
    calc(50% - 32.62708px) 15.214257px, 
    calc(50% - 32.356586px) 15.781361px, 
    calc(50% - 32.076235px) 16.343658px, 
    calc(50% - 31.786113px) 16.900976px, 
    calc(50% - 31.486309px) 17.453146px, 
    calc(50% - 31.176915px) 18px, 
    calc(50% - 30.858023px) 18.541371px, 
    calc(50% - 30.529731px) 19.077094px, 
    calc(50% - 30.19214px) 19.607005px, 
    calc(50% - 29.845353px) 20.130945px, 
    calc(50% - 29.489474px) 20.648752px, 
    calc(50% - 29.124612px) 21.160269px, 
    calc(50% - 28.750878px) 21.665341px, 
    calc(50% - 28.368387px) 22.163813px, 
    calc(50% - 27.977255px) 22.655534px, 
    calc(50% - 27.5776px) 23.140354px, 
    calc(50% - 27.169545px) 23.618125px, 
    calc(50% - 26.753214px) 24.088702px, 
    calc(50% - 26.328733px) 24.551941px, 
    calc(50% - 25.896233px) 25.007701px, 
    calc(50% - 25.455844px) 25.455844px, 
    calc(50% - 25.007701px) 25.896233px, 
    calc(50% - 24.551941px) 26.328733px, 
    calc(50% - 24.088702px) 26.753214px, 
    calc(50% - 23.618125px) 27.169545px, 
    calc(50% - 23.140354px) 27.5776px, 
    calc(50% - 22.655534px) 27.977255px, 
    calc(50% - 22.163813px) 28.368387px, 
    calc(50% - 21.665341px) 28.750878px, 
    calc(50% - 21.160269px) 29.124612px, 
    calc(50% - 20.648752px) 29.489474px, 
    calc(50% - 20.130945px) 29.845353px, 
    calc(50% - 19.607005px) 30.19214px, 
    calc(50% - 19.077094px) 30.529731px, 
    calc(50% - 18.541371px) 30.858023px, 
    calc(50% - 18px) 31.176915px, 
    calc(50% - 17.453146px) 31.486309px, 
    calc(50% - 16.900976px) 31.786113px, 
    calc(50% - 16.343658px) 32.076235px, 
    calc(50% - 15.781361px) 32.356586px, 
    calc(50% - 15.214257px) 32.62708px, 
    calc(50% - 14.642519px) 32.887636px, 
    calc(50% - 14.066321px) 33.138175px, 
    calc(50% - 13.485837px) 33.378619px, 
    calc(50% - 12.901246px) 33.608895px, 
    calc(50% - 12.312725px) 33.828934px, 
    calc(50% - 11.720454px) 34.038669px, 
    calc(50% - 11.124612px) 34.238035px, 
    calc(50% - 10.525381px) 34.426971px, 
    calc(50% - 9.922945px) 34.605421px, 
    calc(50% - 9.317486px) 34.77333px, 
    calc(50% - 8.709188px) 34.930646px, 
    calc(50% - 8.098238px) 35.077322px, 
    calc(50% - 7.484821px) 35.213314px, 
    calc(50% - 6.869124px) 35.338579px, 
    calc(50% - 6.251334px) 35.453079px, 
    calc(50% - 5.631641px) 35.55678px, 
    calc(50% - 5.010232px) 35.64965px, 
    calc(50% - 4.387296px) 35.731661px, 
    calc(50% - 3.763025px) 35.802788px, 
    calc(50% - 3.137607px) 35.863009px, 
    calc(50% - 2.511233px) 35.912306px, 
    calc(50% - 1.884094px) 35.950663px, 
    calc(50% - 1.256382px) 35.97807px, 
    calc(50% - 0.628287px) 35.994517px, 
    50% 36px, 
    calc(50% + 0.628287px) 35.994517px, 
    calc(50% + 1.256382px) 35.97807px, 
    calc(50% + 1.884094px) 35.950663px, 
    calc(50% + 2.511233px) 35.912306px, 
    calc(50% + 3.137607px) 35.863009px, 
    calc(50% + 3.763025px) 35.802788px, 
    calc(50% + 4.387296px) 35.731661px, 
    calc(50% + 5.010232px) 35.64965px, 
    calc(50% + 5.631641px) 35.55678px, 
    calc(50% + 6.251334px) 35.453079px, 
    calc(50% + 6.869124px) 35.338579px, 
    calc(50% + 7.484821px) 35.213314px, 
    calc(50% + 8.098238px) 35.077322px, 
    calc(50% + 8.709188px) 34.930646px, 
    calc(50% + 9.317486px) 34.77333px, 
    calc(50% + 9.922945px) 34.605421px, 
    calc(50% + 10.525381px) 34.426971px, 
    calc(50% + 11.124612px) 34.238035px, 
    calc(50% + 11.720454px) 34.038669px, 
    calc(50% + 12.312725px) 33.828934px, 
    calc(50% + 12.901246px) 33.608895px, 
    calc(50% + 13.485837px) 33.378619px, 
    calc(50% + 14.066321px) 33.138175px, 
    calc(50% + 14.642519px) 32.887636px, 
    calc(50% + 15.214257px) 32.62708px, 
    calc(50% + 15.781361px) 32.356586px, 
    calc(50% + 16.343658px) 32.076235px, 
    calc(50% + 16.900976px) 31.786113px, 
    calc(50% + 17.453146px) 31.486309px, 
    calc(50% + 18px) 31.176915px, 
    calc(50% + 18.541371px) 30.858023px, 
    calc(50% + 19.077094px) 30.529731px, 
    calc(50% + 19.607005px) 30.19214px, 
    calc(50% + 20.130945px) 29.845353px, 
    calc(50% + 20.648752px) 29.489474px, 
    calc(50% + 21.160269px) 29.124612px, 
    calc(50% + 21.665341px) 28.750878px, 
    calc(50% + 22.163813px) 28.368387px, 
    calc(50% + 22.655534px) 27.977255px, 
    calc(50% + 23.140354px) 27.5776px, 
    calc(50% + 23.618125px) 27.169545px, 
    calc(50% + 24.088702px) 26.753214px, 
    calc(50% + 24.551941px) 26.328733px, 
    calc(50% + 25.007701px) 25.896233px, 
    calc(50% + 25.455844px) 25.455844px, 
    calc(50% + 25.896233px) 25.007701px, 
    calc(50% + 26.328733px) 24.551941px, 
    calc(50% + 26.753214px) 24.088702px, 
    calc(50% + 27.169545px) 23.618125px, 
    calc(50% + 27.5776px) 23.140354px, 
    calc(50% + 27.977255px) 22.655534px, 
    calc(50% + 28.368387px) 22.163813px, 
    calc(50% + 28.750878px) 21.665341px, 
    calc(50% + 29.124612px) 21.160269px, 
    calc(50% + 29.489474px) 20.648752px, 
    calc(50% + 29.845353px) 20.130945px, 
    calc(50% + 30.19214px) 19.607005px, 
    calc(50% + 30.529731px) 19.077094px, 
    calc(50% + 30.858023px) 18.541371px, 
    calc(50% + 31.176915px) 18px, 
    calc(50% + 31.486309px) 17.453146px, 
    calc(50% + 31.786113px) 16.900976px, 
    calc(50% + 32.076235px) 16.343658px, 
    calc(50% + 32.356586px) 15.781361px, 
    calc(50% + 32.62708px) 15.214257px, 
    calc(50% + 32.887636px) 14.642519px, 
    calc(50% + 33.138175px) 14.066321px, 
    calc(50% + 33.378619px) 13.485837px, 
    calc(50% + 33.608895px) 12.901246px, 
    calc(50% + 33.828934px) 12.312725px, 
    calc(50% + 34.038669px) 11.720454px, 
    calc(50% + 34.238035px) 11.124612px, 
    calc(50% + 34.426971px) 10.525381px, 
    calc(50% + 34.605421px) 9.922945px, 
    calc(50% + 34.77333px) 9.317486px, 
    calc(50% + 34.930646px) 8.709188px, 
    calc(50% + 35.077322px) 8.098238px, 
    calc(50% + 35.213314px) 7.484821px, 
    calc(50% + 35.338579px) 6.869124px, 
    calc(50% + 35.453079px) 6.251334px, 
    calc(50% + 35.55678px) 5.631641px, 
    calc(50% + 35.64965px) 5.010232px, 
    calc(50% + 35.731661px) 4.387296px, 
    calc(50% + 35.802788px) 3.763025px, 
    calc(50% + 35.863009px) 3.137607px, 
    calc(50% + 35.912306px) 2.511233px, 
    calc(50% + 36.462997px) 1.884094px, 
    calc(50% + 36.975331px) 1.256382px, 
    calc(50% + 37.487665px) 0.628287px, 
    calc(50% + 38px) 0, 
    100% 0, 
    100% 100%, 
    0 100%);
<div class="bar"></div>

SVG clip path

I can't think of a way to get this to work without having to modify the path with javascript. It does however let you create any shape you like.

body {
  height: 100vh;
  background: url(https://placeimg.com/640/480/nature) center/cover no-repeat;

.bar {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  height: 56px;
  background: rebeccapurple;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip-path: url(#circle);
<svg height="0" width="0">
    <clipPath id="circle">
      <path d="M0,64 v-64 h100 a32,32 0,0,0 64,0 h100 v64 z" />

<div class="bar"></div>
like image 140
James Coyle Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

James Coyle