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How to implement single sign on across multiple JVM based applications using Spring Security

I am currently trying to implement a single sign on solution across multiple JVM based (Grails, Servlets) web applications currently all deployed in the same servlet container (currently Tomcat, but don't want to limit my solution to just Tomcat). All web applications share a common database.

I've looked at various options from using CAS or other third party libraries to creating a new web service to handle Single Sign On, but none seem to really satisfy the business. My current implementation involves creating a new jar library which has a common implementation of AuthenticationProviders, and Pre-Authentication Filters based on Spring Security.

In this approach I have multiple AuthenticationProviders (currently Active Directory, and Database) for the application to authenticate against. Upon successful authentication a row would be inserted in a session table that contains the user, an expiration time, and a token. The token would be also stored as a cookie on the user's machine and that would be used to validate they have a current session in the Pre-Authentication Filters.

Having never done this before I want to make sure I'm not creating a huge security problem, and I'd also like to know what I would need to create the token? At this point a simple GUID seems to be sufficent?

Currently we are working on Spring Security 3.0.x, and haven't upgraded to 3.1 yet.

Thanks in advance.

like image 798
Patrick McDaniel Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 05:10

Patrick McDaniel

1 Answers

I ended up solving this problem by doing the following:

I created a AuthenticationSuccessHandler which would add a cookie to the user's session which had identifying information as well as the hostname to try to secure it as much as possible. (The application was running internally at most customer sites so the risks here were determined to be minimal, but be careful about cookie jacking.)

Then on each application that needed to have SSO I implemented a AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter, and placed in before the authentication filter which would pull the cookie out and create an Authentication object. Lastly I created an AuthenticationProvider which validated the information from the cookie.

Hopefully that helps someone else in the future for this type of request.

like image 132
Patrick McDaniel Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10

Patrick McDaniel