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How to implement `opIndex` in higher dimensions?



struct M{
 T opIndex(uint i){ ... }

which gives me this:


but what if I want it in two dimension so that I could do:


is there anyway to do this?

like image 882
Arlen Avatar asked Dec 20 '11 04:12


1 Answers

Yes, you can do the C++ way of returning a temporary object (struct is best in D's case) which also has an index operator overload.

But a better idea in D is to go for the syntax m[i, j]:

struct S
    uint opIndex(uint i, uint j)
        return i + j;

void main()
    S s;
    assert(s[2, 3] == 5);

If you still want to use m[i][j], a nested struct gives you some syntactic leeway:

struct S
    auto opIndex(uint i)
        struct Temp
            uint opIndex(uint j)
                return i + j;

        return Temp();

void main()
    S s;
    assert(s[2][3] == 5);
like image 191
jA_cOp Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11
