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How to implement linked list with 1 million nodes?

I recently attended Microsoft Interview.

I was asked to implement linked list with 1 million nodes? How will you access 999999th node?

What is the optimal design strategy and implementation for such a question?

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user2565192 Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 09:12


People also ask

How do you implement a linked list size?

LinkedList size() Method in Java LinkedList. size() method is used to get the size of the Linked list or the number of elements present in the linked list. Parameters: This method does not take any parameter. Return Value: This method returns the size or the number of elements present in the LinkedList.

Does linked list have limit?

There is no limit to the number of elements on a linked list, as long as there is free store memory available. The amount of space required by a linked list is Θ(n), while the space required by the array-based list implementation is Ω(n), but can be greater.

2 Answers

I have no idea about what I'm going to say, but, here goes:

You could conceptually split the list in sqrt(1000000) blocks, in such a way that you would have "reference pointers" every 1000 elements.

Think of it as having 1000 linked lists each with 1000 elements representing your list with 1000000 elements.

This is what comes to mind!

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Bruno Oliveira Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Bruno Oliveira

A linked list has fairly few variations, because much variation means it would be something other than a linked list.

You can vary it by having single or double linking. Single linking is where you have a pointer to the head (the first node, A say) which points to B which points to C, etc. To turn that into a double linked list you would also add a link from C to B and B to A.

If you have a double linked list then it's meaningful to retain a pointer to the list tail (the last node) as well as the head, which means accessing the last element is cheap, and elements near the end are cheaper, because you can work backwards or forwards... BUT... you would need to know what you want is at the end of the list... AND at the end of the day a linked list is still just that, and if it is going to get very large and that is a problem because of the nature of its use case, then a storage structure other than a linked list should probably be chosen.

You could hybridise your linked list of course, so you could index it or something for example, and there's nothing wrong with that in theory, but if you index ALL the nodes then the linked list nature is no longer of much value, and if you index only some, then the nodes in between indexed nodes have to be sorted or something so you can find a close node and work towards a target node... probably this would never be optimal and a better data structure should be chosen.

Really a linked list should be used when you don't want to do things like get a specific node, but want to iterate nodes regardless.

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Michael Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
