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How to implement iTunes built-in App "File Sharing" feature

I've noticed that several apps, when an iP* is connected, has a "File Sharing" feature inside of iTunes. Example applications are CloudReaders, Stanza, etc. This interface lets users Add files to the app and Save files from the app to their computers. Right now I've got a HTTP server running inside the app which lets users add files to it via Wi-Fi, but I'd like to support the aforementioned method as well.

Thanks to Art Gillespie, I got this working. Recently, I renamed my project and ended up having to dig around a bit again to figure out how to re-enable this since it went away.

This is how you do it.

  1. In your plist, add a new key for UIFileSharing. It should be listed as something like "Application supports iTunes file sharing".
  2. Build your code in "Release" mode.
  3. Go to the build/Release-iphoneos/ folder of your project and drag the appname file (not the .dSYM one) to iTunes. Click "Yes" if it asks about replacing.
  4. Now if you click on your device and go to "Apps" and scroll down you should see your app listed in the "File Sharing"'s Apps list.
like image 904
Kalle Avatar asked Jul 13 '10 20:07


People also ask

Where is file sharing in iTunes App?

Only when your iDevice is connected to computer, you can access file sharing feature on iTunes. Click your iDevice under DEVICES > Apps. Scroll down the window and you will find the file sharing feature.

What is iTunes file sharing?

1 minute read | October 7, 2022. You can use iTunes File Sharing to transfer a file saved on a computer into Proloquo4Text and restore it. This backup method will work even if the device running Proloquo4Text is not connected to the internet. The computer with the file does need to have iTunes installed.

What feature does Apple use to share files?

iCloud Drive lets you access all of your documents securely from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC. No matter which device you're using, you'll always have the most up-to-date documents when and where you need them.

1 Answers

You want to add the UIFileSharingEnabled key to your app's Info.plist

Sharing Files With The User

like image 121
Art Gillespie Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

Art Gillespie