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how to implement google+ sign-in with angularjs

I have an AngularJS app, and I want to implement G+ sign-in. I've gone through their samples, and they work as standalone apps.


In my Angular app, I am able to display the G+ sign-in button. But I'm stuck on the callback. Do I put the callback function in my controller js file?

If so, and given this controller:

app.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
    function signinCallback(authResult) {

On my data-callback, how do I name it so that it goes to signinCallback inside myController?

    <span id="signinButton">
        data-scope="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.profile.emails.read"
like image 782
Gerard Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 14:01


1 Answers

The Google+ PhotoHunt sample app demonstrates an AngularJS integration with Google+. The sample is available in Ruby, Java, Python, and C#/.NET for web. Of note should be the following code in the AngularJS front-end:

Markup to render the button in:

<span id="signin" ng-show="immediateFailed">
  <span id="myGsignin"></span>

JavaScript to glue the markup to code:

$scope.signIn = function(authResult) {
  $scope.$apply(function() {

$scope.processAuth = function(authResult) {
  $scope.immediateFailed = true;
  if ($scope.isSignedIn) {
    return 0;
  if (authResult['access_token']) {
    $scope.immediateFailed = false;
    // Successfully authorized, create session
    PhotoHuntApi.signIn(authResult).then(function(response) {
  } else if (authResult['error']) {
    if (authResult['error'] == 'immediate_failed') {
      $scope.immediateFailed = true;
    } else {
      console.log('Error:' + authResult['error']);

$scope.renderSignIn = function() {
  gapi.signin.render('myGsignin', {
    'callback': $scope.signIn,
    'clientid': Conf.clientId,
    'requestvisibleactions': Conf.requestvisibleactions,
    'scope': Conf.scopes,
    'apppackagename': 'your.photohunt.android.package.name',
    'theme': 'dark',
    'cookiepolicy': Conf.cookiepolicy,
    'accesstype': 'offline'

Within processAuth, you should see an access token and can update your UI to reflect this. You can also see the full controller's JavaScript code on GitHub.

like image 116
class Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 10:01
